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"Ah what the fuck!" Hyunjin screamed as he was being pushed into the pool by his boyfriend.

"Here I come!" Jeongin yelled as he jumped into the pool only to be caught by his boyfriend before his entire body entered the water.

"Hey you didn't let me jump." The small boy hit hyunjins chest as he pouted.

"I'm sorry baby." The elder said before giving Jeongin a kiss on the forehead and throwing his in the water. They both giggled and hugged once the younger boy came back to the surface.

"Hey guys!" A familiar voice approached them.

"Hey seungmin!" The couple said in unison both with smiles on their face.

"I'm glad you can make it." Jeongin said as he got out of the pool in hyunjins backyard.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. It would give us more time to bond since we started out kinda rocky." Seungmin said with a nervous smile.

"Hope you're still not mad at me seung." Hyunjin said as he approached the two and put an arm around his boyfriend.

"I'm not, you followed your heart and did what was right and I'm proud of you." The dandy boy said as he admired the couple before him.

"And besides I have a man of my own." He continued as he pulled his phone out and showed a picture of a very handsome guy.

"His name is min and we've been dating for a little over a month." The boy smiles and put his phone away.

"That's great Seungmin." The couple praised the boy.

"You should've brought him over." Hyunjin told the boy who was now taking off his shirt so he could also get in the pool.

"I wanted to but he was busy with work." He replied as the two nodded.

It wasn't long before the three were in the pool enjoying themselves. They've really gotten closer as friends and they were really proud of each other for forgiving each other. They played around in the pool for a couple of hours before it started to get cold. They got out of the pool and dried off. It wasn't long before Seungmin had left saying that he needed to be home before his boyfriend. They all bid each other goodbye and planned to meet up again but with min next time.

"I really am proud of him." Jeongin said as he sat next to hyunjin on the couch.

"Yeah I really confused him when I just ran away that day." Hyunjin giggled remembering that day.

"You're such a jerk for leaving him like that." The younger playfully hit the elders shoulder.

"Hey I only left him because I was in love with you." He admitted with a smile that also made his boyfriend smile.

"Gosh I really do love you." The small boy confessed as he stared at his boyfriend in the eyes.

"And I love you so much more." Hyunjin replies before leaning in to give Jeongin a passionate kiss. Once the two pulled apart they snuggled up into each others embrace and fell asleep for the night.

HIS TOY - HYUNINDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora