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Wake Up.

White light, that's all he saw. A wave of consciousness washed over him, as his senses tingled back to life. The coldness he felt was replaced by the sweet kiss of warmth, and suddenly, he was falling.

The man tumbled forward onto the floor, the harsh impact knocking the wind from his lungs. His cheek was pressed flat to the cold stone floor and his ribs ached as he took short, shallow breaths.

Where am I?

His arms shook, as he slowly pushed himself off from the ground. He took a slight step forward and fell back onto his hands and knees. Frustrated, he crawled towards a stone wall using a pillar to stabilize himself as he rose to his feet, knees quivering slightly. The room was dark and cold. The odor of settled dust and faint spices tingled his nose, triggering deeply burrowed memories to rise just below the surface of his comprehension.

In the back of his mind, he felt strangely comfortable with the place. Though he could barely see an arms reach away, he could not shake the notion that he had visited this place before long ago in a dream or a distant memory. There was something he was supposed to do, a reason for his awakening. Before he could fully understand, he thrust out his hand, palm up and spoke.



A small ball of red fire burst to life in his hand. He flinched, but the light did not burn him, it merely danced around in his open palm. He smiled, as the flame illuminated a portion of the room, leaving ghostly shadows dancing across the wall.

"Lua," he bellowed his voice echoing throughout the hall.

The small flame amplified into a roaring ball twice the size as before. He cupped it gently, the warmth comforting him. He blinked and squinted as his eyes rapidly adjusted to his surroundings.

It was a large empty hallway. A temple with high ceilings painted with stars and walls lined with huge stone statues. Each wore a stone helmet that concealed its faces and held a sword in its hands. He squinted at one of the statues. As strange as it was, he couldn't escape the feeling that he knew them. The recollections teased him, floating around his mind just beyond his grasp.


The noise startled him, he looked around frantically for its source. On command, he pushed away from the pillar and found that his legs had regained their strength.

"Come," The soft voice called faintly.

He closed his hands and the fire died away. A heavenly light pushed through the dark room, sparkling at the end of the hallway. Within him, there was a strong urge to go towards the light. His muscles felt stiff and sore but he continued to stumble down the long, cold pathway. The strange stone figures lining the walls seemed to stare at him as he passed. His fingers yearned to touch their faces but when reached out to touch, his hand was met with a vicious spark. He winced, cradling his hand gritting his teeth through the pain. Although he could see no cut, blue blood dripped from his fingertips. He staggered down the hallway until at last, he reached the end. Strong, tall oak double doors blocked his path. He reached out to push them but paused, the incident with the statues flashed through his mind.

Deep carvings decorated the top of the door. Symbols and pictures, he squinted, trying to remember their meaning.

"Lua," he whispered and the small ball of fire returned to his palm. He held the light upward peering at the writing.

I know these symbols, these words. But why?

"Terra vestra liceat reginae ingressum," he whispered softly.

Queen, permit me entrance into your domain.

Blue light outlined the words as he spoke them, they glowed brightly and the door slowly swung open.

He shielded his eyes from the new, blinding light, peeking inside. His mouth hung open in amazement.

The room, if one could even call it that, was much larger than he expected. Similar to where he woke up, the room had high painted ceilings. Instead of stars, the ceiling was a pleasant shade of sky blue dotted with fluffy, lifelike clouds. Warm light poured through the huge stained glass window, and the pictures of animals seemed to be dancing across the surface. Instead of a stone floor, there was deep, black soil from which large trees and plants sprouted and spiraled out of control. Butterflies and birds darted about from one brightly colored blossom to the next and in the distance, there was the faint roar of a waterfall.

Amidst this beautiful chaos, there was a woman. She sat on a large throne made of twisted vines and branches with her legs crossed and a giant leather-bound book in her lap. She wrinkled her nose as her eyes scanned back and forth over the page. She was gorgeous. Her skin was warm amber, and her entire body appeared to shine in the light. Her dark hair adorned with various brilliant jewels fell in long spirals over her shoulders, which seemed to gleam brighter the longer he looked. She wore a long, white dress that hung loosely by her ankles. And she nibbled a small, purple fruit as she uncrossed her legs and dug her bare toes into the dirt.

The door suddenly slammed behind him and she looked up. A warm smile spread across her face.

"Darling," she chimed, "So glad to see that you're awake."

He knew the voice immediately, It was her. The voice that awakened him and called him to her. He opened his mouth to speak, but his words ran dry. He stood there too shocked and awestruck to move. There was something about her, about her gaze, her smile, her voice that was strangely familiar.

When she rose, large colorful wings opened wide behind her. They fluttered slightly before folding themselves neatly across her back. She waved her hand dismissively and the book floated softly to the floor. She strode towards him drawing him into her warm embrace. His head barely reached above her stomach and he stood lamely, petrified by her strength and size.

She released him and held him by the shoulders at arm's length, carefully studying his face.

"Oh," she laughed rolling her eyes. "I've almost forgotten, you don't remember."

She kissed him gently on the forehead.

Suddenly, all of it came flooding back. This place, his home. Those statues, his friends. The mission, her children.

He fell on his back, paralyzed, gazing up at the ceiling.

"Ah Adonis," she sighed a smile teasing the corners of her lips. "Always so dramatic."

"Your highness," he said rising and brushing the dirt off his body. He bowed deeply and the smile spread across her face.

"Oh no, not this again," she chuckled lightly. "Adonis, you know perfectly well that you can call me-"

"Eve," he interjected.

A wide grin spread across her lips. "My sweet angel, welcome back."



Ok so writing is pretty hard and y'all have no idea how many times I rewrote this but I genuinely appreciate you reading it. Please give me some feedback because this is the first time in a bit I've let anyone read my content. As always. 




Peace guys, 

_reallytho_ aka The Queen 

Sent From Heavenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن