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'MWO? How can he like me? What should I do? Mom ... Help me ... 'he thought as he looked at Sehun closely then bowed his head in, Sehun also bowed his head in

"Mianhae Sehun-ah, but ... But ... I'm not the right person for you. You can find more yeoja who are better than me. " He said softly

Suddenly Sehun looked up and looked at Jiyeon with a sad look.

"Wae? Why someone else? You ... You're the right girl for me. Jehal Yeonnie ... don't be like this to me. Don't you also like me so why ... Why do you say no? " he asked in tears

Jiyeon looked at Sehun, he smiled sadly seeing Sehun begging him. He looks pathetic Jiyeon thought. Then Jiyeon shook her head while smiling sweetly then took a step forward and patted Sehun's shoulder many times

'Is it so hard for you to let me go? Why do you look so pathetic like this? Where did Sehun I know go? The Sehun I know isn't like this, the Sehun I know is always cheerful, nosy, childish. But why do you now come to me with your sad face? Do you like me so much that you are willing to beg me and get on your knees eoh? 'He thought guilty

"Ani Sehun-ah ... I'm not the right girl for you. I did like you but that was before Sehun-ah is different now. I no longer like you. Mianhae Sehun-ah. Now I only think of you as a friend no longer the person I like. " He said smiling sweetly

"But can't you accept me eoh? I'm even willing to come all the way from Seoul to come here to only meet you. You changed Yeonnie ... "he said softly as he sat down

"Ani Sehun-ah love can't be forced, you will be happy with the other women. I didn't change Sehun-ah but you changed. " Jiyeon took her groceries and took five packs of chocolate and candy and put them in Sehun's open hand

"Eat the chocolate, you will definitely calm down." He said quietly as he opened the chocolate package and offered it to Sehun

Then Sehun took the chocolate and ate it slowly, without realizing it, tears running down his cheeks. Jiyeon wiped the tears gently.

"Uljima ..."

"But can't we be together?" Asked Sehun while hoping, Jiyeon just shook his head while smiling sweetly and sat next to Sehun

"Do you still remember your principles first?" Jiyeon asked while eating chocolate

'If a friend is still a friend and if love is love ... so my principle is that a friend cannot become love. 

Sehun just nodded his head slowly while continuing to remember his old words, like a film that was rolling in his head. Sehun bowed his head again while cursing his own stupidity

'Stupid!! Why did I say that first? I'm really stupid ... 'he thought

"Yeonnie ... Can we be friends again?" he asked, wiping away the tears from his tears

"Of course, aren't we still friends? You just decide on the rope of our friendship, "he said irritably, bending his face

"Mianhae Yeonnie." He said softly

Jiyeon looked at Sehun with a sweet smile but was inversely proportional to his sad heart.

'Mianhae Sehun-ah It's not that I don't want to be your girlfriend It's just that I feel if I become your girlfriend then I'm afraid you're getting hurt. Let me keep this feeling well so that we no longer hurt one another, it is enough for us to be friends. Also let me bear this pain alone. I also don't want to feel any pain for the second time enough just then Sehun-ah. I'm happy if we're just friends and I'm happier in America. Mianhae ... jeongmal mianhae Sehun-ah. 'His inner smile was sad.


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