Leon said, leading the way letting me follow. 

We both ended up at a tunnel under the castle, a boat was there with someone in it. 

Leon loaded his gun and I followed as we approached. 

Only to find Ada. 

Leon lowered his gun, 

I didn't. 

"Need a ride, handsome?"

Ada teased and I shot right at the seat she was sitting on. 

My bullet hit right behind her head. 

A warning shot.

"Call him that again and I'll shoot out your eyes." 

Ada gave me a wicked grin as Leon and I climbed in. 

The whole ride was silent as I sat in the back with Leon and Ada in the front. 

Ada smirked at Leon as she made a hard turn!

I got knocked off the boat from the speed and hauled myself back in with Leon's help as I realised she had stopped at the steep cliff side. 

I spat out some water and tried to wring the water out of my shirt. 

Ada grinned at me, knowing exactly what she did and pulled out her grappling hook.

"Where are you going?" 

Leon asked as Ada stepped onto her seat,

"Got some business to take care of." 

She sent me a judging look then looked at Leon with a cat-like smile.

"See you around." 

And with that she zipped to the top of the cliff. 

Her pushing off the boat gave it momentum to spin away from the rocks, 

And crash right into the others!

I growled as my wet hair clung to my face. 


Leon sighed and I sent him a look,

"I think you just mean Ada." 

I said, my pout very evident on my face. 

Leon and I had to get back into the water and swim to a small rock cave. 

Hopefully it leads to the surface. 

Leon's walkie talkie buzzed and so did my earpiece.

Sadlaars face appeared on Leon's screen as I peered over his shoulder. 

"I hate to break it to you but Salazaar is dead."

Leon said in a harsh tone.

"Yes it seems that way."

"Sadlaar, why don't you give up and let Ashley go home?" 

I asked, annoyed. 

"Perhaps you are disillusioned with overconfidence. Just because you killed my small-time subordinate?"

"Sadlaar, you're small time." 

Leon commented.

Sadlaar laughed. 

"Right in my cage to torment my friends." 

The call ended. 

"Well isn't he just a bundle of joy."

I sassed as Leon pocketed his walkie talkie. 

"Yeah... come on." 

We both followed the cave, 

Leon Kennedy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now