The Normal Part

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"Myra! Come on! It's going to start soon!" I heard from behind the front door.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm coming!" I threw on my jacket and hopped in the direction of Lucy's voice while attempting to put on my right sneaker. 

 "Ugh, have some sense of urgency! It's not every day the season premiere of Once Upon a Time comes on!" Lucy called out. I rolled my eyes.

"Um, actually I'm pretty sure they put on re-runs three times a day for the rest of the week..." I argued, hurrying to comb my stubborn, wild brunette hair into some sort of presentable shape with my fingers.

"Just hurry up," my best friend pouted, and even though we were separated by my old-fashioned wooden red door, I knew she was making puppy dog eyes at me. 

We are way too invested in this show, I thought as I grabbed my purse and the goodies basket that I put together every time we prepared for an "obsession session". That's what we liked to call our crazed evenings when we would huddle up at Dylan's house with approximately 481 blankets, a box of tissues, and some male actor to cry over. This time, like many before, it was Colin O'Donoghue, star of the hit television show about magic, family, and fairy tales: Once Upon a Time. Way too invested.

I finally checked my makeup in my compact mirror and opened the front door.

"Finally." Lucy complained, "I've been waiting for ages. Why do you even put so much effort into the way you look for our obsession sessions? It will be dark, no one will see you, and you will cry all of that perfectly applied makeup off anyway." I looked her up and down, taking inventory of her pale, makeup-free skin, her wavy sandy-blonde hair carelessly pulled into a messy bun, and her sweat-shirt featuring a ketchup stain and a faded picture of Bugs Bunny. I compared her outfit to my own: tight jeans, a tank-top that I usually save for looking cute at the mall, a red leather jacket, and my curly hair finally braided once I had given up on making it look nice down.

I stared straight into Lucy's deep green eyes and said, "You know why."

Then I smiled and started walking backwards toward Lucy's sleek black pick-up truck, calling, "Hurry up, Lucy. It's not every day the season premiere of Once Upon a Time comes on."

She grinned and walked after me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2015 ⏰

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