When the girls caught sight of her, they immediately transferred their exuberance to their aunt. They wrapped themselves around her legs as soon as she was in the living room. She laughed down at them. "Girls, I haven't eaten yet. Why don't you let me get some food, then we can decide what to do for the day? Okay?"

They both giggled and grabbed on tighter as she tried to drag them both across the room. Before Sherry made it to the kitchen, though, Stella stood and started jumping up and down. "Can we do the sword game!?"

Sherry didn't need to ask what she was talking about. She laughed before she nodded. "Tell you what, let me get something to eat and we can under two conditions."

Before she could list the conditions, Cloud spoke up. He was frowning slightly as he spoke. "Sword game?"

Sherry shrugged and tried to explain. "It's a rhythm game. You can come watch if you want." She turned to the girls at that point. "Okay, first, Anna, you are still too little, but we'll figure something out, okay?" The youngest girl pouted, but Sherry picked her up and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "It'll be okay. We can always play the dancing game later." At that point, Anna perked up. Sherry then turned to Stella. "Also, if anyone else wants to play, they get turns too. Alright?"

When Stella nodded exuberantly, Sherry laughed. Neither girl left her side as she grabbed some food. Despite their constant questions, she was able to finish quickly. As soon as her dishes were in the sink, Anna asked to be picked up, and Sherry obliged. She then carried her downstairs with Stella right behind. She also noted that Cloud and Zack followed after giving Daniel a look. The other three men were either elsewhere in the house or still not back inside.

It didn't take her long to get the VR set up. Anna had started pouting again when Sherry refused to let her try, but Sherry pulled a book out and read to her while they watched Stella play. After a few songs, Sherry asked if she could have a turn. Stella frowned a little, but she didn't argue. Both girls sat on the futon so they could watch.

Sherry had forgotten that Cloud and Zack had come to watch since they had been standing quietly on the other side of the room. It wasn't until she was finished with the two songs that she heard Caius' voice and was reminded that it wasn't just her family downstairs. She had picked a couple of hard ones, so she was still a little out of breath when she turned to see him standing in the doorway and giving her a contemplative look.

"I had believed you to only have the heart of a warrior."

She gave him a confused look, so he pointed to the tv. "You are obviously untrained, but you have excellent reflexes and good instincts."

Sherry shook her head with a chuckle. "It's a rhythm game, and I have decent rhythm, that's all."

Caius shook his head, but it was Zack that spoke. "No, seriously! Angeal would have loved to see that. You stay on your toes, and you keep your body loose, so it's easy for you to react. It's not as advanced as our VR, but that's pretty cool!"

Sherry rolled her eyes a little and shook her head. "I think you're overreacting a little. Besides, my VR can't shank you if you miss."

Zack gave her a confused look. "Huh?"

She laughed out loud at the look. "I mean, it has no physical repercussions unless you trip or something. It can't cut a sword in two."

Understanding finally lit in Zack's eyes, and his smile dimmed, but it was back quickly. "Still, can I try too?"

Sherry looked at the girls. They were both listening with interest, but neither had said anything else, so Sherry shrugged. "I guess it won't hurt. I think it might be better to play something else after Stella's next turn, so it's fair."

Stella pouted at that, but Anna started jumping up and down. "Dance, dance!"

Sherry laughed. "Yes, we can play the dancing game next. Let these guys have a turn, and we'll change it, okay?"

Anna nodded, but Stella was still pouting. Sherry gave her a devious grin and grabbed her up. She threw her over her shoulder and tickled her exposed side. When the girl started screaming in laughter, Sherry relented and plopped her down on the futon. "You'll get one more turn before we change. For now, why don't we see what these guys can do?"

Stella still didn't look happy, but she relented, and they watched Zack. It didn't take the Soldier long to pick it up. He finished a couple of the hardest songs on the highest difficulty. When he was done, Sherry shook her head. He was still grinning when he handed the helmet back to Stella and sat next to Sherry.

"That was fun! I had no idea you had something like that."

Sherry shook her head. "Well, we haven't exactly had much time to go over anything outside of duties, mostly."

Zack nodded but didn't comment further. Once Stella was done, Sherry switched the games and watched as the girls went through one dance after another. They convinced both Sherry and Zack to join them a few times, but for the most part, Sherry was too tired to join them often. Daniel had come down at some point and watched the girls also, but he still refused to look at his sister. She tried not to let it bother her too much.

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