He looked sad. Which is totally unlike Valerio. He always had something sarcastic or witty to say. He got into his car not saying a word and not looking me at in my eyes.

"Valerio what the fuck"

"Don't fucking leave" i said while banging lightly on his car window.

He rolled his car window down

"Please y/n don't make this any harder then it already is"

"Valerio come on , please just one pill just one come on" I was getting desperate now. My head was spinning and my body was shaking.

"I talked with Lu okay? He said knowing i would know what she said.

"Well fine if you won't give me anything i will find someone else who will" i said walking away from him

He followed me with his car.

"For fucks sake get in"

So i did. We arrived at his house. Luckily his dad is almost never home.

"You want anything to drink? He asked

"No i just want one thing "

"Well suit yourself" he said while grabbing some water.

"Valerio give me the pills"

"Fucking hell y/n i am not helping you destroy yourself anymore"

"Oh come on when you gave me the pills 6 months ago you were fine with it so just give one fucking pill please" i was really getting desperate i needed something soon very soon

"I fucking regret that so fucking much okay i never should have sold you the pills but i did, and now i am not doing it anymore" he said getting mad

"Fine i will find someone else"

"No y/n wait" he grabbed my arm.

"Don't do it"

"Dont act like your a saint yourself" i told him. It wasn't fair how he is treating me while he's a fucking addict himself.

"I definitely am not that's why i know what you're going trough"

"The feeling of needing drugs to get trough the day, always needing something in your system, you think about them 24/7 it controls you, if you don't have any in your body you feel like you're going crazy"

"I know this because that was me..still is me sometimes" He said getting emotional

"If i go trough this it's fine, but i can't see you like this and i not going to let you destroy yourself even more"

There it was..the breakdown. He pulled me close

"Shhh it's going to be okay i'm going to help you"

"Valerio i want to get better i do but i just need one pill"

"Shhh y/n"

"I am not addicted Valerio please i am not okay"

I bawled my fucking eyes out. I feel stupid i feel ashamed. How did i let myself get so lost.

"Listen the first thing we gotta do is detox your body which your already doing"

"It's gonna get ugly"

"But we will get trough this okay together" he said while giving a another quick hug.

"Thank you Valerio" i said wiping my tears away.

"You want me to call Lu?

"No it's fine i trust you"

He gave me a kiss on my forehead. And then like he said it got ugly. The detoxing was awful but it was also the first step to get my life back on track. And i guess i could blame Valerio it would be easier if i did. But i blame myself. But with his help i'm going to be okay i trust him.


Part two coming soon :)

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