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~~This is totally a work of fiction but some places in it may be real, but the persons in it are totally my imagination.last cover by stylesoftimothe check his awesome cover shop out~~
First I'm going to say I'm very terrible at writing an authors note so if I didn't say anything necessary 😪 forgive me.
Most people must have read my other work,I appreciate your time and consideration in checking this one out as well 🦄😊.

This may not be the best thing I've worked on but I'm proud that I could work on this.🧘

This book talks about teenage suicide 💔,what actually runs through a teens mind when they finally say those words "IM GOING TO KILL MYSELF"any thoughts, I didn't actually know until I did some research and found out 😬.
Source @HealthyChildren.org
Search for safety, tips, illness, etc.

In This Section
HEALTH ISSUES Things Parents Can Do to Prevent Suicide

​As children grow into teenagers, it becomes more challenging for parents to know what they are thinking and feeling. When do the normal ups and downs of adolescence become something to worry about?

It's important to learn about the factors that can put a teen at risk for suicide. these ways you can help prevent a tragedy from occurring. The more you know, the better you'll be prepared for understanding what can put your Teen at risk.

••Don't let your teen's depression or anxiety snowball.
Maybe your child is merely having a bad day, but maybe it's something more if this mood has been going on for a couple of weeks.😟😟

Fact: 9 in 10 teens who take their own lives met criteria for a diagnosis of psychiatric or mental health condition or disorder-more than half of them with a mood disorder such as depression or anxiety.
Depressed people often retreat into themselves, when secretly they're crying out to be rescued. Many times they're too embarrassed to reveal their unhappiness to others, including Mom and Dad. Boys in particular may try to hide their emotions, in the misguided belief that displaying the feeling is a fifty-foot-high neon sign of weakness.(misguided)🧘🧘

••Listen-even when your teen is not talking.
Not all, but most kids who are thinking about suicide (this is called suicidal ideation) tip off their troubled state of mind through troubled behaviors and actions. Studies have found that one trait common to families affected by a son's or daughter's suicide is poor communication between parents and child. However, there are usually three or more issues or factors going on all at once in a child's life at the time when he or she is thinking about taking his or her life. See Which Kids Are at the HIghest Risk for Suicide?.

These include but are not limited to:
Major loss (i.e., break up or death)
Substance use
Peer or social pressure
Access to weapons
Public humiliation
Severe chronic pain
Chronic medical condition
Family history of suicide
If your instinct tells you that a teenager might be a danger to himself, heed your instincts and don't allow him to be left alone. In this situation, it is better to overreact than to underreact. (If your friend of a member of your family isn't right "OVERREACT"💯

••Never shrug off threats of suicide as typical teenage melodrama.(it's never a phase,take them serious)😟

Any written or verbal statement of "I want to die" or "I don't care anymore" should be treated seriously. Often, children who attempt suicide had been telling their parents repeatedly that they intended to kill themselves. Most research supports that people who openly threaten suicide don't really intend to take their own lives; and that the threat is a desperate plea for help. While that is true much of the time, what mother or father would want to risk being wrong?

Any of these other red flags warrants your immediate attention and action by seeking professional help right away:
"Nothing matters."
"I wonder how many people would come to my funeral?"
"Sometimes I wish I could just go to sleep and never wake up."
"Everyone would be better off without me."
"You won't have to worry about me much longer."
When a teenager starts dropping comments like the ones above or comes right out and admits to feeling suicidal, try not to react with shock ("What are you, crazy?!") or scorn ("That's a ridiculous thing to say!"). Above all, don't tell him or her, "You don't mean that!." Be willing to listen nonjudgmentally to what he or she is really saying, which is: "I need your love and attention because I'm in tremendous pain, and I can't seem to stop it on my own."

•• Seek professional help right away.
If your teenager's behavior has you concerned, don't wait to contact your pediatrician. Contact a local mental health provider who works with children to have your child or youth evaluated as soon as possible so that your son or daughter can start therapy or counseling if he or she is not in danger of self-harm.

••Share your feelings.

••Recommend exercise.
Physical activity as simple as walking or as vigorous as pumping iron can put the brakes on mild to moderate depression. Cortisol, a hormone, has been linked to depression.(an escape from depression)🚴🧘🏃🏊

If you suspect your child might be suicidal, it is extremely important to keep all firearms, alcohol, and medications under lock and key.

Additional Information:
Mental Health and Teens: Watch for Danger Signs

Source Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health (Copyright © 2015 American Academy of Pediatrics)

This website is certified by Health On the Net Foundation.

© Copyright 2020 American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved.

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