That Stoic Expression - Atsushi Murasakibara x Reader

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This is pretty much based on attack on titan, and you got Levi's personalitly. There is swearing in this, you have been warned peasants! ;)

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basket, it belongs to it's original owner.


Walking down the corridoor of Yosen high you get stared at everyday. That would be because you are known as the schools personal Levi Ackerman. You tend to insult everyone and give them death glares. You only attend school because it's necessary but honestly you don't get how math will help you in the physical world, you'd rather be sleeping. Despite all that you do have friends, Yosens basketball team, they seem comfortable around you which is a first in many cases. Since you go there everyday the coach as assigned you with a job, to make sure the titan won't escape. Atsushi Murasakibara. You find him easily everyday and he seems to follow you when you demand him to come to practise. So currently you are walking down the corridoor of Yosen with your and Atsushi's footsteps echoing throughtout the wide open space. You were lost in thought then you suddenly heard a bored, deep voice call your name.

"Ne, (name)-chin"

"Hm. What?" You keep your gaze straight ahead.

"Where did you put my sweets from yesterday? I've ran out and need them."

"You'll get them after practise." 

"Ehhh? Their my fuel.." He says pouting.

Your eyebrow twitched and you turned around to face him with your arms folded. "Shut up, brat. If you rely on other things and they just one day dissappear what will you do then, hmm?" 

"It's food (name)-chin, I dont think it will just disappear.." He states looking confused.

"Shut up." You say sighing. 

You two reach the gym doors. You kick the door open and slam yourself down ontop the bench sighing with relief, not noticing the handsome basketball player beside you.

"Comfortable?" He lets out a light chuckle.

"Ah, Himuro. Shouldn't you be practising?" You say with your eyes closed.

"Just getting a drink."

"I see. Well get back to work, don't be so damn lazy."

"Says the one who does nothing but sleep." He gets up and walks away with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Mmmm, whatever."

You hear footsteps walking towards you so you open one of your eyes and see Atsushi looking at you with his usual bored expression.

"(name)-chin about the snacks.."

"After practise."

He remains silent.

You tilt your head to the side a little and see him staring at you intently.

"What the heck are you staring at?" You say glaring at him.

"Hm? Oh nothing. I want my sweets straight after practise (name)-chin, don't go back on your word." He waves as he walks away.

"Yeah, yeah."


The Yosen basketball team finished practising and they all headed for the locker room, except Atsushi who was walking over to you.

"(name)-chin, can I have my sweets now?" He asked looking fed up.

"Alright fine, common."

You led him out of the gym up to an abandoned classroom that was only used for drama practise, which is not often because they will normally use a hall. You walked over to a cupboard and took out a plastic bag, handing it to him.

"Here, I need to go get my bag from last class, forgot to lift it."

He didn't take the bag, he was just staring at it, which was making you pissed off.

"What the fuck? Just take the goddamn bag. What are you waiting for?" You glared at him in a tired manner.

He walked towards you and pinned you against the wall with his body, making it impossible to move.

"Wha- the fuck are you doing?!" You raised your voice, almost shouting. "If you don't release me now I'll get really pissed off with you Atsushi." You stated glaring daggers at him.

He just stood there looking directly into your eyes. 

"You are seriously creeping me out. Would you mov-" He cut you off from what you were about to say.

"(name)-chin, you promised me my sweets, I wanna have them." You were now seriously confused.

"Are you completely stupid?! Their in my hand, idiot."

"Not them sweets (name)-chin, I'm talking about you." He said with a slight smirk creeping to his face.

You were just staring at him with a stotic expression, not even phased. Infact you were thinking about what he had just said.

"Atsushi, I would be a sweet, not sweets. Their is only one of me, so therefore I would be one sweet." You rolled your eyes.

"Your wrong, (name)-chin. Your equivalent to more than one sweet, your equivalent to a bag of sweets. No, 10x a bag of sweets."

"Huh?! Wha- what are you talking about?" You could actually feel yourself blushing a bit.

"You'll keep to your word won't you (name)-chin? You promised you won't back out." He leaned in closer to you.

"Your seriously unfair. How was I meant to know what you actually meant?" 

He smiled at you, happy yet mischievous. He bent down slightly and kissed your lips, slipping his tongue in too. It surpised you a little bit and made you moan slightly, and Atsushi didn't miss it.

"Huh? Was that good, (name)-chin?" He asked, putting on a confused face of a child.

You were breathless and a little lightheaded, and had your arm over your lips avoiding eye contact with him. "You- your seriously unfair you know that?" You said through a couple of pants.

"Heh, but (name)-chin doesn't dislike it." He said while trying to get you to look into his eyes.

You glanced at him and sighed. "You'll pay for taking my first kiss, brat." You smirked and pulled him down in for another kiss. 

"He seriously pisses me off." You thought as you kissed your tamed titan.

Yay for attack on titan references! xD I have been even more obsessed with attack on titan recently and cannot stop listening to the soundtrack etc so I decided to base this story on it, becasue Mura-kun is a titan, I think everyone will agree ;) I have one more week left of school then i'm off for Christmas so that means I have more time to write! Btw I heard season 3 of kuroko no basket will be out next month! Extremely happy!! Akashi better be shown more! Can't have enough of him, can ya? ;D Thanks for reading!

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