Aomine Daiki

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A request for @UntouchableYou

Thank you for the request!

Your dream was to be a writer, but you never plan to achieve it. It could also be called a 'hobbie' but you wouldn't mind writing petty words on pages for the rest of your life, in fact, nothing would make you happier to see others enjoying your imagination. When you read books by other authors they are so detailed and well thought out, you sometimes wonder if they enjoyed writing it, or it is that they have such a talent that couldn't compare to yours. Staring at the pages of the thick book these thoughts were running through your mind until you were interrupted by two girls.  

"Hey~ Hey~ uh, (Wrong first name) was it?" One of the girls says in a tone you knew meant trouble.

"No it's not, it's (First Name). And please don't address me by my first name." You said glancing to the side on which they were on to see if they were gonna do something.

"Hmph. Your always reading right? What the heck do you find so interesting in a book? Boys are much more entertaining, if you know what I mean." She smugly smiles and flicks her hair.

Ignoring her vulgar language you change the conversation, not that you really wanted to have one with her either.

"Not to sound rude but do you need something?" You close your book and stare into her face.

"You know busty back there?" She points behind her shoulder. "You know her right? She asked you for a uh, book, once right?" 

Staring at her for a couple of seconds you answer. "Yeah. But I don't see why you wasted your time focusing on that."

"You are such a bitch. Let me just get straight to the point, tell her to meet me after school." She glares and smirks at you.

Narrowing your eyes you stand up and begin to pack your things. "Why don't you tell her yourself?" You say zipping your bag. "Or I'd prefer if you didn't, your intentions are out of jealously and nothing will come of it." You now begin to pass her.

"Huh?! Are you some sort of mind reader?! You have no idea what my intentions are, don't get on like you know it all!" She shouts and pushes you with all her strength out the door, making you fall onto your hands and knees. 

"Woah?!" A deep voice shouts sounding startled.

You begin to get up and dust yourself off. You knew something like this was gonna happen. You pick up your bag until the startled boy hesitantly speaks up.

"U-uh, are you ok..?" 

"Yes. Thank you." You pass him, you wanted to go somewhere quiet quickly.

He watches you walk away and he glaces into the open classroom, making his way inside.

You went to the rooftop and began reading your book again, you planned to skip all the classes today.

In the middle of 5th period you heard the rooftop door open and your heart stopped.

"A teacher? No way!" You thought and peered around the corner only to find a tall tan man with deep blue spiky hair. He saw you and your eyes locked.

You glanced from side to side, you had no idea what to say.

"Finally I found you." He sighed and began walking over to you. His tone sounded familiar.

"Oh, could you be the one from earlier..?" 

"Yeah. And you made me look everywhere for you. Here." He extended his arm with your notepad in his hand, the notepad with the story your currently writing.

"Oh, thank you. I must have dropped it." 

"Mmm. Not quite. That bitch who pushed you took it when it fell." 

"...I see. But it still fell though." You said, feeling all smug but it not showing in your face.

"...Shut up." He said turning around with a smile forcing its way on his lips. He stopped in his tracks and turned back around.

"Your name?" 

"...It's (Your full name). Yours?" 

"Aomine. Aomine Daiki." You both extended your arms and shook hands.

"Oh and I forgot to mention, you have a talent for writing, you could continue it. Just so you know." He scratches the back of his neck while complimenting you making your lips curl up slightly.

This just might be the start of your story.

Dear Readers,

I'm glad for the request and I would love more, just request away! I'm unsure of who to write about so they really help. ^.^ I dunno what to name this one so for now it's title less.

Thanks for reading!

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