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"Dahyun's going with me on the Doctor today" Mina proudly announce it in the the table with Momo and Nayeon.

"I'm just really thankful that kid showed up to our life again" Momo said.

"what do you mean... again??" Mina asked.

"Dahyun was our schoolmate before right?? I don't know if she still remember that but yes she was..." Momo tried to recall some memories of Dahyun. "she suck at football tho"

"Yeah... I have a memory of her kicking the football straight to my face, it was shit but atleast she treated me ice cream as a sorry" Nayeon said and Momo laughed.

"How come you have memories of her and how come i can't remember her??? or her face??" Mina protested.

"maybe... she never caught your eyes before or perhaps you were too occupied dating-"

"okay shut the fuss!! don't wanna remember that" Nayeon and Momo just laughed.

Mina dating Jeongyeon is a memory she wants to forget. She has to admit that it was fun dating her, it was fun being with her but when she was at her downfall Jeongyeon left her.


Dahyun is now with Mina and they are on the way to the eye clinic.

"Dub i think you'll be doing a lot of explanation to me like how come i didn't see you when Momo and Nayeon are friends with you before?"

"Ohhh that..." Dahyun tries to recall but shes having a hard time recalling it. "Looks like a distant memory wait..."

On the other side of the street Dahyun saw an Ice Cream stall, looks like she needs one to refresh her head.

"before that... can you please just stand here for a moment, I'm gonna buy us something"


"I'll be quick don't be scared.." Dahyun assured Mina.


Dahyun run to the other side to buy an Ice cream.

While Mina is left there to the other side waiting, she blinked her eyes and rubbed it.

She saw something, she swear she saw something. Slowly there was a light forming.

She blinked many times and rubbed it until she gained vision. It was too bright so she let her eyes adjust first.

Her vision is back.

"Dahyun???" Mina looked around to find Dahyun, where did she go?

"Dahyun where are you?? Dahyun i can see now!!" Mina said happily. "Dahyun we don't need to go to the damn clinic!!"

No one was responding but instead people around her was just looking at her.

Dahyun is nowhere to be found.

Mina went home, crying.

"M-Momo!!! N-Nayeon!!!" Mina ran inside their house crying.

"oh geez what happened to you??? where's Dahyun???" Momo asked.

"Momo... i can see now" Momo's eyes widened. "...but i didn't see Dahyun"

"fuck so it was true" Nayeon appeared out of nowhere.

"w-whats true?"


And suddenly everything around Mina turns back to black again.

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