Adonis Emelita Rodgo

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Name: Adonis Emelita Rodgo

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Name: Adonis Emelita Rodgo

Age: unknown

Information: he is the creator and father of all, treated with all utmost respect but there's something off with him, in truth he has a twin brother who often takes his place in many matters and when he's not in the mood, his brother would force him to turn into the same looks as him(the first pic)

His brother was also the reason why Lucifer was banished, the god had hated the fallen angel since before so when the fallen angel was pregnant he took the chance to chase him out even putting the blame on Lilith who'd gladly do it to overthrow Adonis who's the real god

Adonis was all powerful when one accident happened causing his brother to take full control over him to do his bidding

Adonis was all powerful when one accident happened causing his brother to take full control over him to do his bidding

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Adonis' real looks ⇧

Adonis is currently forced to be in a deep sleep inside of a golden cage hidden deep inside of 'his' room which his brother took over ownership of it

He is able to switch his looks and personalities to being a dom or a sub sometimes

The god is quite adorable and innocent, guillable even which is why he was so easy to be controlled by his brother

Magic capabilities/Abilities:unkown

His eyes will glow golden when he uses his magic/abilities and after he's done it'll revert back to their normal pale blue colour

He has a kind of soothing aura when he sees a child of his suffer and he wants to help them. He often helped Lucifer sleep when the demon was still a angel in heaven back then

Even though he's kind and forgiving if he's angered one must pray for their safety and well being

He is quite weak to physical pleasure actually which is why he always casts a sensitivity dulling spell to prevent anything from happening


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