Ki Chae Seon

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Role: Dark magic

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Role: Dark magic

Name : Ki Chae Seon

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Face Claim: Jaehyun from NCT 127

Personality: Stoic, cold and cruel, prideful but at least he's not arrogant and shows his pride in a humble way, gentlemanly and only kind and gentle to those he cares about but doesn't really show it that much,strict and a bit of a stick in a mud, emotionless

Likes: books, new knowledge, finding things to do magic or make potions, Ara who's his cousin but he never shows that he cares fully about her and show his familial love to her, his childhood friend whom he forgotten her name and looks since it was a long time ago since he'd been separated from her

Dislikes: being reminded of his past and Ara getting hurt or harmed in any way, being interrupted or disturbed while casting magic or making a potion,loud and void of common sense people who has no knowledge of boundaries and would pester him nonstop

Other: he is from a rich family but he doesn't know since he was raised in a normal family with fake parents and he lived a normal childhood until one day he was separated from his childhood friend and was brought to his real family and lived with them, only Ara cared and communicated with him.

He has a major poker facially expressionless face that no one can see through, he rarely lets anyone through that tough and stone cold mask of his


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