I look back the way I've come and my eyes widen... My foot weren't sweaty as I was claiming,I must've stepped on a glass and now I've created a bloody trail for the mad woman after me!

My two feet trail clearly leading to where I was standing,the lights dimmed down that I could barely see where I came from,I moved from the door to the next one trying the handle and it opened showing a very nice room.

I leaned over twisting the handle of the door across the hall finding another nice clean room... Is this a hotel or someshit,I push the door open making sure my feet don't rub around.

I get into the first room taking a sheet wrapping my bloody pierced feet and arms, crawled out to the other room making sure not to leave trails.

I close the door behind me and limped around to looking for a bathroom,now that the adrenaline has gone down and I've noticed my hurt feet, I'm feeling the pain kicking in and if I don't hurry I might end up fainting... Not an option!

I find the bathroom happily and get in,I turn on the water to the tub letting it flow and i plug in the drain.

I grab a towel dipping it into the water washing my feet grunting as it stung the cuts,I felt around for glass not finding any, weird... I grab some amoxicillin opening the capsules pouring the powdery medicine on my cut feet,I rip the soft silky robe on the rack using it as a bandage.

"Billliiiee..." The soft calling of my name outside makes me halt my feet wrapping exercise for a second,before i hastily continued finishing up,I removed the bloody bandage and cleaned my arm fast letting the red filled water flow and dropped the bloody towel into the tub.

I grit my teeth as I stand and walk back to the door leading outside,I can't stay in here she might find me,I take a deep breath opening the door,I peek out to see her entering one of the rooms down the hall of the door I'd been leaning on.

I get out rushing a little bit further hiding by another door just as she came out bursting into another room I ran,she has a gun people! I'm not sticking around bro!

I turn to see her shadow coming out and I hid again. She went into the room I was first in for the bed sheets and I tuned to run only to feel my body ram into someone else's.

Hands wrapped around me pulling me up fast before my ass hit the ground,I looked up and my eyes went wide noticing the girl.

"Hira?" I whisper and she smiled "we need to stop meeting like this Eilish" she jokes helping me onto her back fast as she run.

"Weren't you in Spain?" I ask holding on tighter "I was but then my family needed help and yeah fuck work! Family first" she said putting me down as soon as she felt we were far from the raging lunatic.

"What happened to your feet?" She asks helping me down some stairs "she was shooting the bulbs on the ceiling making the glasses fall,I stepped onto them unknowingly and here I am" I say sarcastically making her chuckle.

"You'll soon be out of here bub,hold on" she carried me up again and started running down the stairs. We reached the bottom and she put me down helping me walk, "Morgan isn't very far off,we take two lefts and she's there,dunno about the girls"  I nod.

Bullets hitting the steel stairs made Hira push me down as she turned pulling out her gun ready to shoot too,she knelt down on one knee covering my body with hers "your gonna crawl away from here and when your far enough run in zigzags until you reach the hall, Morgan isn't far off ok?" I nodded and started moving.

Shots close to me echoed and I heard Hira grunt and yell as more shots were fired. I took the turn and got up running in zigzags until I took another turn and find one of Flare's girls kneeling down down the hall not so far.

I look closely and find her reaching for something around her.. a gun,one of them must've let it fall around or something.

I looked around and found iron metal bar lying around I took it and ran heading for the bitch.

I could feel my wounds burn as blood seeped,the 'bandages' made my movements slightly slippery and silent too but I wasn't gonna let this bitch hurt Morgan,she's here because of me.

I got close as she was reaching it and I let the bar swing as my eyes closed,a shot and a loud crunch of bones went off as a huge thud followed.

My eyes opened slowly and I found the bar imbedded in to the skull of the bitch leaving a huge cave in into her head,I let the bar drop in freight and moved away colliding with a wall.

I tore my eyes from her body to Morgan who was staring at me perplexed as she did a flip hitting the remaining girl's head with her heel making her fall not moving.

She came closer to me and held me up as my legs bucked to the weight of my body.

"Billie" she whispered taking some hair out of my face,"were ok" I whisper and she shakes her head,she rips a part of her dress taking it behind my leg.

My eyes darted down following her hands to see the blood dripping down from my leg,when did I get shot?! She wrapped it tight above and below the wound.

"Awee,thats sweet but it's not gonna be needed you're both gonna be dying soon" Flare's voice says from the hall I just came in through.. the big ass gun aimed at us.

Well fuck.


The End!

Sike! LMAO,wow Billie actually bar rammed a bitch,ouf!


Bloody Love//Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now