"Anything but football." I teased.

"Football it is." He joked but didn't put football on, thank God.

"It's nearly your birthday what will I get you?" I asked Niall.

"Don't get me anything." He said.

"Ah come on, people always say that and please, I need to know what to get you." I groaned. "Is there anything you need or want?"

"You." He quietly said, coughing. "I mean, nothing." He shyly said.

"I'll think on something." I smiled and rested my head in his lap. He started running his hands through my hair gently and I smiled up at him.

"This is nice." He whispered with a smile. I nodded in agreement and reached up and stroked his cheek. His chin felt stubbly and it made me giggle. "Why're you laughing and why are you feeling my face?" He began laughing at the last part.

"You've got stubble." I giggled.

"I know, I'm a man." He proudly said.

"No, men grow beards, I'm pretty sure you're incapable of doing so." I teased and he laughed softly.

"I'd look funny with blonde hair and a brown beard." He chuckled.

"Just admit, you're just about as incapable as growing a beard as you are with growing chest hair." I said and he smiled down at me.

"'Scuse me, you've seen this chest hair." He pointed to his chest. "But yeah, I'm incapable of growing a beard." He admitted.

"Told you." I smiled and he rolled his eyes. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but I didn't know how he'd react.

"Will I ever be a man in your eyes?" He asked.

"Maybe someday, but for now I find you too cute to be manly." I patted his cheek and he looked amused for the most of it. "You need so shave." I said.

"It's grand." He ran his hand over his stubbly chin. It did look kind of hot to be quite honest. He gave me duck lips, stroking his stubble.

"You're a weirdo." I giggled. It didn't take us long to revert back to our normal selves around each other. I sat up and crawled on his lap, sitting so I was facing him. He placed his hands on the smalls of my back and smiled. "Can I kiss you?" I asked him and he just stared lovingly into my eyes, chuckling.

"Why're you asking?" He asked and I blushed and shrugged. "You're while cute when ya blush like that." He said, making me go redder. I pressed my lips against his but he was hungry for more and he wanted it fast for once.

"No, I'm in charge mister." I said and he looked a little shocked.

"Well, okay missy." He poked my chest making me jump and giggle. I reattatched my lips to his. He settled back on the couch and let me take over. I nibbled and sucked on his lip, making him grunt in response.

We made out for a while and when I eventually pulled back Niall's lips were not their usual skinny self. They looked swollen, abused and red. They looked fucking hot. It made him look a lot more innocent when his gleaming blue eyes glanced up at me. It made me wanna kiss him even more.

I stood up leaving Niall on his own while I went to get a drink from the fridge. I knew he was watching me as I bent over because I could hear him shifting slightly so I done a little bum wiggle and low and behold, he started laughing. "I can totally twerk better than you." Niall said as I walked back.

"I wasn't trying to, I was just seeing if you were watching me and you were you little bastard." I hit his chest.

"Well what do you expect me to look at when you wiggle your ass around like that?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. It was then he stood up in front of me, his ass facing me and he started to twerk. Or at least try. I started laughing and covered my eyes so I couldn't see it, though I did take the occasional peak. Who wouldn't?

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