"She's here she's here " I heard Shahida's voice immediately I step in the house. She came running down the stairs and jumped on me making us both to end up on the floor.

" get off of me Rhino, gosh you're so heavy. Can't breathhh" I choked. She immediately released me and gave me a nervous smile.

" I miss you so much and I can't believe you are here to stay, as in foreverrrr" she sang and clapped her hands in excitement. What a child.

" yeah"
"Lemme go and get mom" and just like that, she took off and left me alone in the huge parlor looking like a lost puppy.

As you can see Shahida is a child trapped in an adult body but that's what makes her SHAHIDA even though she can be pretty annoying. Well Most of the time.

"You stupid child, how can you leave her alone like that?" I heard Mammy scolding Shahida making me chuckle.

" She left you here and ran off ba?" Mammy flashed me a smile but not before smacking shahida's head. I looked down at my shoes and scratched the back of my neck. What the jahannam? I'm not the shy type so what's happening. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Shahida roll her eyes. Well this is definitely a surprise to the both of us.

"I'm like your mom, you don't have to be shy" she smiled and hugged me.

" Sannu kun sha Hanya" she said when she released me from the hug.

" E Anty. Alhamdulillah" I answered.
"take her to your room. You guys should freshen up, pray and come down for dinner"
"Ok Anty"
" ok Mom". Shahida signaled one of the maids whose name's Zulai to take my suitcases upstairs. "Our" room must be upstairs then.
" let's go" The fool dragged me upstairs LITERALLY.
"Good Lord" .

'Upstairs' was on a whole different level. A huge golden chandelier was hung in the middle of the gigantic living room or as Shahida calls it the "hallway ". On the far end of the 'hallway' was a full length mirror, A golden glass table with a small fish tank on top and two chairs on each side of the table, a glass shelf? Seriously? I've never seen that one before. This was definitely not a hallway. It's a freaking tourist attraction of some sort and to top it all, it's almost as big as Salti's house. Yes the whole house. On the left hand side of the 'hallway' were two doors, The study room and Mom's room or should I say apartment. On the other side also were two doors. Shahida's room and the guest room.

" we are here. You ready?" Shahida's voice brought me back to reality.

"Wow" was the only thing that came out of my mouth when I stepped in the room. It was beautiful. The cream walls and dark brown curtains gave the room a cool vibe. On the far corner was a full-length mirror, a vanity table and a small fridge. There was also a king sized bed in the middle of the room, a couch on the other side and a 45 inches plasma TV facing the couch . I saw a sliding glass door which I'm very sure leads to the balcony. Can this room get any cooler?

"Oh I forgot, your suitcases are in the closet over there ". She pointed at the other side of the room that I didn't notice when I came in.

"Since the first door leads to the closet then I'm guessing the other door is the bathroom door right" I asked an amused Shahida.
" correct. Come lemme show you" and that was how she gave me a tour of our closet which is stunning by the way. Mom even bought more than enough clothes, shoes etc for me. I love herrr. The toilet was also beautiful. Rich people am I right?

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