Chapter 1: DayStar Records

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Jack presses record on his camera and clears his throat.

"Hello, my name is Jackson Robin a.k.a Jack Rose, I'm 19 years old, I live in Las Vegas, Nevada, and I want to be a superstar" Jack smiles at the camera, "No, dah, that's not it... Okay, cut" Jack leans forward and presses the record button again, stopping the recording. He picks up a sheet of paper and reads it.

"Okay" he takes a deep breath and exhales loudly. He leans forward and presses record, "Hello, my name is Jackson Robin, but my stage name is Jack Rose. I'm 19 years old, I live in Las Vegas, Nevada and music is my passion. Now, I know that's not the first time you've heard that, but believe me when I say it because I'm telling the truth. I love music, probably more than anyone you've ever met. Everything I make is original, I write my own lyrics, I do all the editing and mixing myself and I film my own music videos. I will admit, sometimes one of my friends holds the camera but for the most part, it's just me. I know I was born to make music and I'm willing to prove it. So I ask you to please give me a chance to prove myself and I guarantee you won't be disappointed, thank you and goodbye" Jack bows and with his right arm presses the record button again stopping the recording.

"Damn! Forgot to use the rose at the end, well, too late now, guess I'll just bring it in when I audition" Jack gets up and turns off his camera. He takes it to his desk and plugs it into his computer, he also plugs in a USB.

"Jack! Dinner is almost ready!" Jack's mom says from outside his door.

"I'll be down in a minute, mom, just finishing some work" Jack replies downloading the video onto his computer and moving it to the USB.

As the video downloads onto the USB, he takes out a big yellow envelope with bubble wrap inside and writes down the address of a record label "DayStar Records". The video finishes downloading, he removes the USB and drops it into the envelope closing it. He leaves it on his table and exits his room. He runs down the stairs and sits at the table. Sitting at the table, was Jack's older sister Elizabeth, who was reading something on her phone.

Jack's mom enters the room, "Elizabeth, no phones at the dinner table you know that already" Jack's mom takes Elizabeth's phone, "One City Two Kings? What is this?" The mom says scrolling down.

"Didn't you hear about John Martin and Dj Bianchi? It's all over the news mom" Elizabeth responds with a grin.

"No, you know I don't enjoy the news it's always something sad or something that makes me angry" the mom responds, "what is this about?" She hands Elizabeth her phone.

"Basically, in Sunset City these two men have or I should say ha-"

"Jackson?" A male voice says coming down the stairs.

"Yes, dad?" Jack responds.

"What is this?" The dad lifts up the envelope from before, "you're sending something to a record label?" His dad crosses his arms, his mom looks over at him.

"Uh... Yeah?" Jack responds timidly.

"And why is that? Jack, I get you like doing music, but this, wanting fame? This isn't what I'd expect from you" the dad says, upset.

"Dad, I get you have a reputation to keep up in the church, but I need to make a name for myself and make my life happen. I can't do that if you don't let me get out there and do what I'm good at" Jack responds, annoyed.

"A reputation? You think just because I'm a deacon at church I can't support my kid's dream? I just want you to be careful, I'd advise you to pray on it since you think I'm too worried about myself" the dad snaps back.

"You're telling me you don't worry about all the people in church that see your son who isn't a part of anything, that doesn't worry you?" Jack stares at his dad with an "I don't believe you" look on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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