• Night Twelve • Text Book •

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Bakugou knocked on the door of his best friends room, yawning into his hand as frantic footsteps could be heard from behind the door. It swung open to reveal an equally sleepy Kirishima, dressed in a grey shark onesie as he held up two text books. He sent the blond a tired grin, ruffling his messy locks as he handed the text books over to Bakugou.

"Thanks for letting me borrow them, Man. Hope you have a good sleep. See you in the morning." He patted the blonds shoulder before the door was closed softly, leaving the boy to wander back to his dorm with two books in hand.

On his short trip back to his room, he spotted a giggling Kaminari and Jiro as they fled the spot next to his dorm door, having been peering into his room. He blinked back his confusion and decided to yell at the two later on when he had to have breakfast. Lightly kicking the door open a little more, he switched the light on for a moment before spotting his sleepy girlfriend laying on his bed, snuggled beneath a layer of blankets. A smile appeared on his face and he placed the text books on his desk, the light being switched off once again before he crawled back into bed.

She rotated and stared at the sleepy blond, her lips quirking up into a smile. He moved closer to her, arms going around her waist as she curled up next to him, taking in the wamth he emitted.

"You get the books Kirishima borrowed?" She murmured into his chest, closing her eyes as the sweet smell of caramel invaded her senses just like it did every other night.

He hummed, gently stroking her hair as they both slowly began to drift off to sleep. "Pikachu and Jiro were spying on you."

"I know. I could hear them laughing." She let out a breathy laugh, having heard them wander if the Bakugou and her had started dating.

"They ran away before I could yell at them," He grumbled, enticing another laugh out of the girl next to him.

She paused to smile at him before glancing at the now closed door. "Yeah. They make a great pair though. I don't know if thats a good thing or not."

He mumbled something she didn't quite catch, but brushed it off when he suddenly kissed her. Startled, she pulled back slightly before returning the kiss.

"Go to bed, Katsuki," She mumbled after he pulled away, earning a small scoff before he relaxed, pressing a light kiss to her forehead.

"Fine, whatever," He growled before he felt her pull on his shirt and he noticed her pout and he let out a long sigh. "I'm going to sleep. Calm down."

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