Rules and Requirements

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Hello, yeah. This is my new book for my male characters. If you're interested then continue reading. Disclaimer though, this book will have some of my original characters, as well as canon characters that I want to rp with. Some characters will not be my own and I will not claim them as such. With canon characters I will modify them into how I interpret them or like to rp as them. Here are my rules.

1. I'm descriptive. Don't come to me in hopes of rping if you cannot pass over 7-8 sentences and have a well written out form or tagged oc. I spend hours for each character, I'm not going to accept a 5 minute work.

2. Female and Male tags/forms are allowed and encouraged. Smut will be in pm, swearing is allowed. Do not go straight to smut. Don't control my characters either.

3. Don't tag me until two days have passed, and if I'm still not replying it means I've gotten over the rp and am not interested in continuing. You can find another oc to try if this happens but if it becomes a pattern, we'll just stop rping all together. You can do up to 2 characters at once in this book unless we've talked.

4. I'm a stickler when it comes to grammar, please use the correct punctuations and phrases, a few misspellings are natural, but if they continue on persistently I'll be leaving the rp.

5. Ocs. In the past I've had huge problems with these, being one of the reasons for my sudden burn out but I will NOT be accepting the following oc tropes/ideas

-Overly feminine uwu baby twinks. Can't fuckin do it. I'm sorry but don't come to me if you're tryna give me a Neko who can only stutter or blush. Please. Save me the headache. Don't.

-Abused or extremely depressed ocs. I'm not comfortable with it, if your character has persistent self harm, suicidal thoughts, any type of abuse mentioned I won't accept. It's not something I'm comfortable with.

-Over powered or overly perfect Mary Sues or Larry Joes. Don't care. If they're some goddess or god who are perfect to the bone I'm not bothering. Please be realistic when it comes to your characters.

-If I see even one, ONE uwu baby pastel twink in this book or a ridiculously over sexual/cliche oc I'm going to close the book to only a selective few. I cannot, STAND, these types of characters. I can't. And I won't. You've had your warnings.

-Don't associate, interact or anything of the sort if you fetishize mlm relationships or call yourself a fujoshi. Or anyone that ships problematic shit. I don't like u lmao

That's it. The password is to tag 3 people. Thank you for reading these over.

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