The babys

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In the mountains
Bells POV
Grandpa when are mom and dad going to be home I asked he could only look up at me with tears rolling down his cheeks he replied I'm sorry bell they died fighting the 3 disasters  but I know that would want you to be strong .

Time skip 3 years
Bells now bells now 5 years old he went outside and into the mountains looking for nothing but just to be outside as he walked near a cave he noticed it started to rain i  looked around quickly to find a cave he ran inside the cave to find what looked to be two eggs  I slowly walked closer one seemed to be as black as night and the other a deep crimson when I finely got close I noticed how the egged where moving and starting to cracking I got to witness this happen sow I got a bit closer to find  baby dragons I put the crimson winged one on my right shoulder and the Black Sea serpent one was on the palms of my hand I slowly started to genuinely smile from the two baby dragons whene the rain stoped I rushed home to my grandpa Zeus to ask if I can keep them . When I got home I rushed over to Zeus and asked if I could keep them he looked at me holding the two dragons and said if you keep care of them and give them proper names I gleaned with joy and replied that I already thought of names the black serpent was Abyss and the crimson winged was belagoss . Zeus almost seamed over joyed when he seen me smiling again I can understand why I haven't genuinely smiled sense my parents died . I grabbed abyss and belegoss to get them situated in my room I put all my stuff away to make shur that they can't get to anything it was about midnight so I was going to head when I felt the tow dragons snuggle up to me . I problem fell asleep with a smile on my face . The next morning I asked grandpa if he could add me to his Familia he replied with why do you want to bell I looked him in the eye and said so I can be strong to stop people from hurting abyss and belagoss so I can be able to protect what was important to me so I am worthy of the dragons I have  . Zeus looked happy with my answer and seid come hear and take your shirt of I did as I was told as he added me to his Familia he was shocked to see  skills ther

Bell cranel
Race / human
Age /5
Dex 0
Str 0
Agility 0
Magic 0
Dragon tamer
(Allows the user to be able to command do up to two Dragons )
Dragon Communication
(Allowed users to be able to talk to dragons telepathically )
Next day
As I was training with my two daggers and dragons I heard two voices in my head this was problematic abyss and belagoss talking they both sounded like his to me so I starting to think that I chose the right names for them .  Abyss was talking about how he and belagoss where going to get bigger in the future and fast I could tell that grew a bit but are able to change back to their baby size for me to be able to hold them they both liked being petted 

Time skip one year
Bells now six abyss and belagoss are fully grown .
Me , Abyss and Belagoss where out training when we ran into a Ciberius but be for I could pull out my dangers it was struck with fire and Lightning at one it was instantly killed I looked at both my dragons in shock to see that that are fire and lightning I asked if that could become snake so we could go home and both replied shur thing bell as that became small belagoss flew with abyss in his claws and put him on my left shoulder while he whene to the right one when we got home I asked Zeus if he could update my status . Zeus was shocked to see that I am now level six and asked what happened I described the hellhound and how abyss and belagoss killed it for me  .

Time skip 9 years bell was now 15 and a level seven 
When I woke up I found that the two dragons wher also waking up I grabbed both and headed downstairs to see Zeus on the couch he looked over to me and asked if I wanted to go to stay at his sisters fimilia heastia in orario I looked at him excited saying yes quickly  he looked over to me and said get your thing your leaving this afternoon I rushed up the stairs to get my things . When I finessed I asked Zeus to update my status before I leave
when he was finished I looked at my new status
Bell cranel
Race /human
Age /15
Level 7
Dex 630
Str 590
Agility 700
Dragon Communication
Dragon tamer
Invisible dragon
(Able to turn the tamed dragons invisible)

Time skip to the afternoon
I quickly got into the cart to head with abyss and belagoss on my shoulders invisible  as to not alert anybody . I was talking to the two dragons on my shoulder about what that think our ne goddess will be like if there are any other people there and how people would react to me being a dragon tamer

Time skip 3 day when we arrived at the gates a man named Raul stopped us saying that I cannot go in he needed to check my bag first who'll wh was doing this he asked me what fimilia I was in I just gained a replied I'm in the Zeus fimilea he was shocked and asked what level I was still with the grin plastered to my face I said I'm level 7 what about you
He looked shocked and replied he was level 4 and in the Loki fimilea and after some more idle chatter he let me in I quickly looked back at the man an asked where is the guild he looked at me and said that it's the big building near the dungeon can't miss it . I started to run and ended up finding the guild I walked in looked for a free count and found a half elf with green eyes and brown hair I walked over to her asking if I can register as an adventure
she replied ok hear put  name age race and fimilia and level

Bell cranel
She looked at it quickly and noticed the fimilia and screamed your in the Zeus fimilea all adventures looked at me I a hire to see who it was whene they saw me that all had a disiponed look in ther eyes but yet to notice why I was so strong  she quickly apologized for screaming about it I only said it was fine she gave me some tips on the dungeon and I left to find the abounded Church I was told to go to when I found it I saw a small goddess and a tall werewolf both with raven hair the boy looked at me asking my name I replied I'm bell nice to meet you  he looked at me and said ohh it's you I'm beau nice to meet you too .
Heastia quickly bright me to my bed room in the hidden room and said let me update you stats and transfer you to the Hestia fimilea
My stats haven't changed but she was saprised to see I was a dragon tamer I showed her and beau abyss and belagoss to ther surprise they where friendly and after Hestia brought up I was level seven after explaining how I got that strong they left the room and I went to bed while the dragons where already asleep.

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