Does he love me

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Joe was moving out and moving in with CASPAR LEE the one he loved. He still remembers the day they met.

1 year ago 

"Joe hurry up we are going to be late" Zoe yelled from the next room "Alright im coming" today Joe was meeting the YouTube crew for the first time to be honest he was nervous...

"everyone this is my brother joe he is new to youtube"  they were sitting in a circle they all looked so nice but one boy stood out for joe he was a tall blonde boy with a really cheeky smile he was incredible  "Hey Joe" they all chimed but joes eyes were fixed on the blonde boy he hardly realised the were all there "Joe dont be rude" whispered Zoe as she nudged him "sorry HELLO everyone" he was greeted by hugs and handshakes then everybody went back talking in groups Zoe with Alfie Ext Joe went to talk to the hot blonde boy "hello whats your name im joe"  "im Caspar lee" in a cute south african accent Joe knew he had heard that name before but he couldnt quite put a pin on it Joe knew he had some feelings for this boy could this be love at first sight.

End of flashback 

Caspar POV

Today was the day the day he moved in with the love of his life though he had not told joe about his feelings for him yet he hadnt even told him he is gay.

Joe POV  

"So my tvs gone can you tell whats happening now" said joe in a hearty voice putting down his vlogging camera and laughing "are you ready yet"said Zoe  "yep just a bit nervous"  he replied "why are you nervous"  "Oh no reason" he loved Caspar but he knew Caspar would never love him back hes not even gay or is he?. Joe hadnt told anyone he was gay yet not even  Zoe and his dad he was scared... he knew Zoe would be fine with it but daddy sugg has never liked gays he said they were worthless and he is ashamed to breathe the same air as them  so you see why he hasnt told them.DOES HE LOVE ME?

if you have any ideas put them in  the comments and i might use them thanks for reading.

Love at first sightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant