Falling Stars

463 18 25

Fall•ing Star [fohl-ing stahr]

(n.) An incandescent meteor or shooting star.


I left earlier, perhaps, than I should have. Though, at this point, I don't suppose it really matters anyway.

I made my way down the hallway from my window, which, just so happened to be one of the two that led out to the communal apartment hallway. After quietly making my exit, I tip-toed past Steve's house so that I might avoid stirring anyone awake unnecessarily.

Once I reached the roof-access door, I opened it slowly and made my way in and up the narrow stairwell.

I stood close to the top so that he might meet me there, though, I began to grow uneasy in this dark, musty space as the time seemed to pass. There were no windows in there and it had felt like I'd been waiting in there for hours for him to show up.

Just as the thought of turning back crossed my mind, I saw light fill the bottom of the stairwell and heard his soft footsteps make their way up to me. "Bucky?" I heard his meek voice call out.

"I'm here," I replied so that he would know not to turn back. The air seemed to fill with this new sense of beauty, as if I could feel his smile through the many steps that currently separated us.

He finally made it up to me and stood across from me on the same step, waiting for me to say or do something... though, I found myself immobile, somehow.

I looked at him across from me, really only inches away, and I couldn't muster up the courage to look away, perhaps in fear that upon looking back, he wouldn't be gazing upon me with that same look about him.

My mouth opened, as if to say something, though nothing followed. I felt as if I wanted to reach out to him, as maybe holding him close to me was a better way to tell him what it was, exactly that I was thinking and feeling, whatever it may have been.

God, what is this feeling that's washing over me so suddenly? It feels like- I can't even begin to explain it, ugh, but when I look at him it starts all over again. I don't think I could ever compare it to anything without it being a complete and utter injustice.

"C'mon, we don't wanna waste all our time cooped up in here," I said, leading us up the last few steps before pushing the heavy door open all at once.

We both stepped out, I even held the door for him and placed the brick in place so that the door wouldn't close and lock behind us. In doing all of this, though, neither of us could find it within ourselves to look down from the sky.

It was such an incredible view from here. Sure, there was a lot of light around us but... the apartment was high up enough that a lot of the light-pollution was seemingly blocked out. I felt like I could see everything the sky had to offer from this single spot.

It was almost magical.

I looked over at him, finally pulling my eyes away from the galaxy before us, and couldn't help but smile. He seemed so intrigued by the unknown wonders that rested above us. It was extraordinary to be able to see it upon someone else's face, rather than simply feeling it upon my own.

God, I felt nearly overrun by nerves... like I could barely control myself right now, it was invigorating. Perhaps this feeling was more of a sense of excitement rather than nervousness, but, what the hell do I know?

I really can't stop looking at him, can I? And, for once, I don't think I'm going insane trying to figure it all out... it all seems clear to me in this moment. I want this feeling to stay ~to blossom, even~ but I know in my heart of hearts that there's really only one way to do that. Hell, it's illegal and I never thought I, of all people, would be someone at the wrong end of that law but, I can't help but feel this overwhelming need to grab him and just-

I walked to the edge, where he was resting his arms on the cement rails, and stood beside him almost like it was muscle memory at this point. Despite the amazing sky that was laid out perfectly above us, I felt that I almost had to look at him instead... or at least until-

"Look!" he exclaimed quietly, somehow. My eyes shot up to the sky, scanning the region at which his finger directed me.

A shooting star. This feels like I have to, now, make a wish for something fleeting or impossible, just as a child would do... wishing for candy or a puppy or a new toy or something as such. For them, something like that would mean everything, even though there's no possibility of it actually happening, as we're really only seeing a rock burn up as it enters the Earth's atmosphere. Ugh, but I can't help but say those tempting words in my head as I-

"Make a wish," I said.

I wish... I could kiss him.

"I already did," he replied, looking over at me. I smiled at him, not knowing exactly what to say to that. "What did you wish for?" he asked.

"Well, Steve," I started. "You know, if I tell you, it won't come true."

"Yea, I guess so. I mean, maybe just this on-"

"Steve, I have every intent on making my wish a reality. I'll tell you after that happens, deal?"

He nodded. "Deal."

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