2. Coffee shop

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It was Monday and my best friend Maddy was coming to visit me. I was picking her up in the evening and in the meantime I was stuck at work.. I got a job about a week after I moved. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful to have a job but id rather be in my room reading or watching Netflix. The pay was good though and for some odd reason the manager loved me. Like I swear she treats me like her favorite niece or something. It was a cute coffee shop with dim lights and a cozy warm setting.

My hair was wavy but up in a ponytail and I just wore some concealer and mascara. I was too lazy to actually put effort this morning. And I wore a black polo with a brown apron and khakis. Oh how I hate khakis. Is that just me or...?

"Emily the coffee is ready!" the other worker whispered rudely in my ear. "Oh crap I'm so sorry! Here you go ma'am, be careful the drink is hot." I said handing her the drink. The little old lady scowled at me, "Well no shit! I asked for a hot coffee why wouldn't it be hot?!" She said and walked away. What the- She looked so cute and turns out she's mean. I was so shocked. Wow. Crap I hope I don't become that bitter when I get older. I'm already bitter enough.

I heard someone laughing in front of the cash register. Ugh. She ruined my day. "So are you gonna order or are you just gonna stand there laughing for another five minutes?" I said to the guy in line. He wore a blue rcva shirt. He was cute and my goodness his eyes. They are beautiful. My god his eyelashes look longer than Kim Kardashians fake eyelashes. Shit. This guy is attractive. But he looks like a douchebag. I feel like an attractive guys are douchebags. Well the ones I've dated.
"Hey don't be getting mad at me because that lady said that." He put his hands up as if to say he was surrendering as he continued."But you have to admit it was pretty funny and the look of your face! Man I wish I did a vine on that!" He said. His voice was smooth. It was like chocolate. It was nice not too deep and not too high. It's about time a cute guy walks in this coffee shop like in rose romance movies were they fall in lo- wait no. Don't go after him. He looks like a douche. Heck he's laughing at you!

"I was just trying to be nice!" I said rather loudly. He continued to laugh. "Well congrats that made my day. After he stopped laughing he smiled really big. I melted a little on the inside. "I'll get a large French vanilla coffee and an expresso." He ordered, and continued to smile. That must be how he wins over girls with his looks and smile. Because shit I feel as if my undies are gonna drop to the floor. Just kiddingggg.

"Can I get a name for your order?" I said trying to keep my voice steady. "Daddy. My name is daddy." He said while smirking. UGHHH he is a douche. "Yeah how about no" I said and wrote down DOUCHEBAG on the cup. I lifted it up and showed him. "Fineeeee my name is actually Sam." He said. "Well that's good to know but your coffee is already being made. So you can write it in your glitter pens later." I said. Ha! Two can play a game.

"Whatever you say baby." He said as he winked. I handed him the coffee. I don't know if I should be happy or mad that he called me baby....

He said thanks and started walking out the door. Suddenly turning around.. "I never got your name." He looked at my name tag . "Emily. That's a nice name. He smiled and walked away.

What a flirt.

Well an attractive flirt...

When We Collided (Sam Wilkinson Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن