Part 4

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The day of the Anniversary event arrived. Everyone is bored and at least, some are happy because there is no class.

"Where is Dr. Lisa?" one student of IV-Libra, and a classmate of Maureen, asked her friends while standing outside the Museum.

"We don't know, she's gone after we heard about Fatima," Precious replied.

Everyone silenced.

"Oh my goodness! Is she murdered?!"

"Sssshhhhhhh!!" everyone said to the hysterical student.

"Let's not land to that ridiculous assumption. Let's be positive," the bright student said.

Beatrice and Maureen are looking at the paintings in the Museum. Only five students (including them) are left in the Museum because it's 4:00 pm.

"Oh, this is reeeeeeeally boring....." Beatrice said.

"Yeah, don't tell me," Maureen reacted.

"If this isn't a requirement in MAPEH, I wouldn't bother to come here," Beatrice complained.

"Hey, take a look at this," Maureen called to Beatrice. Beatrice walked to Maureen who is standing in the picture of Pieta.

"Did you know that Pieta is not a painting? It is a sculpture," explained Maureen.

"I'm not stupid, I know that"

"Ok, I thought you didn't"

Beatrice silenced.

"Ok! It's only a joke!" Maureen said and hugged Beatrice.

"I will buy you Tortillos ok?" Maureen said.

"Hmm... You're such a B*tch," Beatrice said and then hugged Maureen back.

"I'm going to see The Last Supper," Beatrice said and then went to the said painting.

Maureen glanced again at the picture of Pieta smiling, and then she noticed something.

"Wait, is there something wrong? Why the left hand of Jesus Christ is not hanging? Why it is placed in his stomach?" Maureen thought to herself based on her observation in the picture.

Pieta is made by Michelangelo and it is a marble sculpture. It shows Virgin Mary carrying Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ's left hand (facing the picture) is hanging. But based on the picture Maureen is seeing, it is lying or placed in his stomach.

Maureen wanted to tell Beatrice what she saw but she said to herself that she could not.

"Hi girl, what are you lookin'?" Maureen asked Beatrice.

"Lookin' at this painting of The Last Supper," she replied.

She remembered that the paintings must be carefully observed. She looked carefully at the painting. She could not see anything wrong in the painting except of the mysteries behind it, which she learned in The da Vinci Code.

"Let's go see Madonna of the Rocks," Maureen said.

"Ok," Beatrice said.

They went to the said painting.

"Well, I can say that our Museum is a good copier," Beatrice said.

"Why?" Maureen asked. Looking at the painting.

"Because the paintings hung here looks deadly original. Are we sure that it's not stolen?" Beatrice joked.

Maureen laughed.

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