Everyone looked at each other.

"The Dean of Criminology in the College Department did her own investigation and found out that Fatima was murdered. In replace for her silence, the founder, Sir Leonardo Saint-Clair, gave her an astonishing amount of money. Two days after the murder, that night, we had a secret meeting, a meeting we sworn we never had. Members of that meeting included the Deans, a few faculty members and students who were friends with Fatima or even the ones involved with her, including the Editor-in-chief of The Painter, and.......... Maureen herself," Mr. Yarzo said, looking at Maureen.

Everyone looked at Maureen, all shocked.

"Members of that meeting were called Faculties of Criminology a simple cover-up for a complex secret. The next day, Fatima's family arrived asking where she is. Of course they're extremely worried. But Sir Leonardo is unbreakable. He will do anything for the sake of this school," Mr. Yarzo said, looking at his 20 students carefully.

"We told her family that Fatima got so frustrated with them that she left the town. The Editor-in-chief of The Painter made a fake article; they printed it in an old paper almost looks like our News Papers. We presented it as an old "News clipping" saying that a girl got hit by car...........named Fatima Reyes; the driver panicked and dumped her body somewhere outside town. The family got convinced and so as others, believing that Fatima was hit by a cold-blooded driver, but the truth is, she got killed by a cold-blooded murderer, and dumped her body nearby or here in our school," Mr. Yarzo said deeply.

"Where, Sir?" Beatrice asked.

"We don't know. We're still not sure if her body can be found here, maybe at the woods nearby or in this very school"

"Does Fatima Reyes had a rivalry with others sir?" Precious asked.

"Others say she had but others say she hasn't"

"Who is the real murderer?" one student asked.

"That, I don't know"

Maureen is just listening in the spooky conversation but seems her classmates are interested in it. But suddenly she stood, all her classmate looked at her.

"Since were at the conversation, I would like to have a confession. Fatima Reyes is my childhood friend," everyone gasped, but Maureen ignored them, Mr. Yarzo is just looking at her. "We played everyday in our playground. From sunrise to sunset, from Monday to Friday, from January to December. Fatima is very kind to me; she is a rich person that's why I get spoiled every time I'm with her. She always gives me gifts, food, and many more. I really love her as my friend, I really do. I cannot imagine my life without her. But one day, she arrived at the playground crying. I was stunned when she said that she is leaving because her family will move to America. I hugged her with all my strength. We cried to death. I cannot believe that she is leaving me after four years of laughter and friendship."

"When I reached 1st Year Highschool, I entered to this school. I'm a 16 year older so I'm matured enough to go on with my life. After a year, I heard from my neighbor that Fatima came back in the country. I'm excited to see Fatima because I've heard too that she is going to transfer here in our school"

"And when I saw her, she looked different. She is very beautiful, with long hair, silky skin and kissable lips. I was shocked because she is only a 2nd Year."

"I went to her classroom the next day; I want to talk to her after many long years."

"'How are you? It's been a while, how about your studies?'" I said to her, but I was shocked with her reply: 'Who are you? What do you want? If you want to copy my Assignment, I don't want to, you have to pay me first your respect and praise,' she said to me, my heart broke into pieces; I cannot recall in my mind that she uttered those words to me......"

There is a long pause when Maureen stopped. She cried quietly but her classmates is looking at her and trying to stop their tears to flow. Then Maureen continued again.

"I expect that she can recognize me and give her reply happily but, I guess people change, things change and fate change."

"I don't want to think what happened to Fatima is Karma, it's just the unreasonable fate that struck her. It happened three weeks after I met her. But at that short period, she gained many accomplishments, she is the Editor-In-Chief of The Painter, she won the National Competition for painting. Her painting The Hole in the Forest Floor was displayed in Pambansang Museo. She is a very good painter. I idolize her for being a good model...... for me. But still, I will miss her. Why? Because she is a part of my beautiful childhood. All I can say to her is, I will miss you Fatima, I will"

Maureen sat down and wiped her tears. Beatrice holds her hand and tries to comfort her. Her classmates are looking at them but some are crying to tears.

"We don't understand, Maureen, if you care about Fatima, then why did you hide the truth about her murder? Why are you a member of the Faculties of Criminology?" one bright student asked.

"I believe I have to answer that, you can now sit down Ms. Tan, thank you," Mr. Yarzo interrupted.

He eyed his students.

"Sir Leonardo is French; he came to our country to promote tourism in France and also to do research about our country. He fell in love our nation and then became a permanent citizen here. Sir Leonardo is known for his influence in Paris, France, renowned for his ability to formulate impossible theories which, is still in the four corners of his laboratory, because it still needs proof. But he became so influential there that the French government is willing to do anything for him. Anything, including the protection of his authority and the morality of his school. Sir Leonardo is always suspected as the mastermind of different crimes that involves suing his work. He is so passionate about something that he is willing to accomplish it. So the members of the Faculties of Criminology are not just members, they are blackmailed members, willing to do anything to keep the secret kept," Mr. Yarzo looked at Precious. "And now Precious looks like you and your classmates are now the brand new members of the Faculties of Criminology," he smiled. "Because the number one rule in our group is; 'Keep the Secret untold. But when the Secret is unfold, punish the teller, but love the listener'" he continued while smiling. "Which means, we don't have any other choice but to explain the secret to the one being told, but for the one who told the secret, the punishment is very upsetting," he said smiling.

"Who told you about Fatima again?" he asked Precious.

Everyone became nervous.

"Dr. Lisa sir," Precious said nervously.

He smiled.

"Looks like somebody is going to follow Fatima in the grave don't you think?"

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