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"Welcome to our last conversation."

I sighed in irritation and turned, but stopped in surprise. I looked around. "We're not in the dark anymore. And... I think I'm sleeping again."

The Immortal me stood before me. "No, we're not because this is the end."

I tilted my head questionably. "What are you talking about? I thought we were immortal, together for eternity?"

Silver eyes flashed back at me. "Stop thinking about trivial things. You don't need to distract yourself anymore."

"It's what I do." I shrugged it off, but something prickled at me. It was in the Immortal's voice—my voice. Then my eyes widened. It was my voice talking back to me. It wasn't the annoying Immortal or the lecturing Immortal. It was me.


"What... what have I done again?"

The Immortal me smiled, assured and strong. "I did choose you, Davy, but I didn't go to you. When you reached inside of Talia, you pulled me out and inside of you. There's a part of you, a part that is noble. Your strength is more than I've ever encountered in a being before. You pulled me into you."

"That'd been my plan the whole time." My attempt at self-sarcasm was pathetic.

The other me continued, "There's a lot about being the Immortal that you don't understand. It's too much for you to know everything now, but things will be revealed as you go. You have a destiny and others will help you as you go. My part is done."

"What part was that?"

"My job was to help you accept who you are, who we are together. You accepted the Immortal, but you don't know the consequences. You will learn them as you go. I won't be the voice for those lessons."

I wasn't sure how I felt about this. What would I get instead?

"You've changed, Davy. You've become something new. This world is yours for the taking and you can make it better. There is a reason why the Immortal was created. You're not a fairytale. You're real and you are a force to be reckoned with. Do not let anyone take that from you. Do not!" She gutted out the last words, forcibly and urgent.

I had so many questions... so many new revelations... so many... so many of everything. I wanted to know it all, but then she said, "Welcome to your destiny. It is the beginning."

'Welcome to our last conversation.'

Then I woke up with a gasp. I was disoriented at first, feeling something warm around me. Then I heard cars honking in the distance. Slowly, I sat up and looked around. I was on the roof with a blanket draped over me. When I sat up, I smiled at the couch cushions that I'd been laying on.

"I brought you up here. Kates needed to sleep and I wanted some privacy. You both must've fallen asleep as soon as you got back to the room." Roane moved from the building's edge.

His eyes were still the same coal black, but there was something searching in them. He seemed softer, but he was dressed as such. Black pants with a crisp black shirt that wasn't tucked in. With his hardened jaw, he looked like ruthless—and he was.

His hand fell to his side and something flashed in the moonlight. It was his necklace.

I stood and gestured, half-heartedly. "You took that before. It's a leaf thing? What's it mean?"

He lifted it and stared at it long and hard. He murmured, "It was my brother's. I took it from him when I fought him. It was when Talia became the Immortal."

Davy HarwoodWhere stories live. Discover now