chapter eleven

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Our school held a volunteer convention on the main lawn of the campus. It was surrounded by brick buildings and a few ponds on three sides. Statues were displayed randomly over the lawn, but I knew it wasn't by accident when the crisis hotline booth was placed next to the angel statue. She was in gray stone, her two eyes watched wherever you went, and her tight curls were in dire need of a new perm. The wings had been sculpted to arch upwards as if she were about to push into the air and fly away.

She freaked me out.

I dropped into one of the vacant seats behind our table and announced when someone sat beside me, "I named her Eileen."

"Uh... okay."

Did my ears detect? I looked and was rewarded. Emily had sweetened the pot with Adam, but I hadn't let myself hope. Now, I did.

Adam looked refreshing in a soft blue sweater and a pair of tan corduroys. Both molded to his tall form while his chestnut curls accentuated his yummy almond eyes. I almost wanted to eat him. If I'd been a vampire, I might've ignored the decree.

"You named her Eileen?" He smiled and ducked his head. "Uh... oh... kay. Um, where's Emily? I'm not complaining or anything, but I thought I had the afternoon block with her."

"Emily's sick." I turned and stared at Eileen for a moment. Was it my imagination or did she seem to grow before me?

"Oh. Okay. So... um... you and that guy, huh?"

Just like that, Eileen lost her appeal. I closed my eyes and cleared my throat. I knew I had damage control to do, but I hadn't known it would start this soon. The need to deceive was itching and so I itched it. "He has a girlfriend that was there. They had a tiff and he wanted to make her jealous. I didn't want to... I wanted to tell you, but then all of the sudden she was in front of the club and I kissed him. I know, I know. It wasn't smart of me or anything, but when a friend asks for a favor who am I to say no?" I held my breath. When I saw the instant relief flash in those adorable almond eyes, I expelled it.

"Oh so... you and him aren't...?"

"No. God no! No." I couldn't emphasize that enough.

"That's um... that's good to hear because..."

I watched in disbelief as Adam opened those perfectly formed lips and spoke in slow motion. It took a moment before the sound hit my ears, but I heard, "...go on a date? Maybe tonight?"

"Yes!" I shouted and instantly cowered back in my chair. Never appear too eager. Kates hadn't taught me that lesson. I'd learned it on my own, but sometimes I couldn't control myself.

Adam looked taken aback. He paused a second before he nodded. "That sounds great. I was thinking of the Alexander Restaurant. It's supposed to have good food."

I hoped my drool was kept in check. I had no idea where the Alexander Restaurant was and I didn't care about good food. We could go to the Shoilster for all I cared. A date with Adam! I'd die happy when I told Shelly Witless.

"Are you guys from the hotline? Do you have any pamphlets?"

Adam immediately started his perfect volunteer thing. I was content to sit back and daydream about our perfect date, listening to his voice drone on until the guy was done with his questions. A few more people came over and Adam was eager to answer questions. I was eager not to. I considered us a good team.

"...that girl died, right? Wasn't someone there?"

My chair tipped forward and I almost went flying into the table. My eyes shot open to see whoever was talking with Adam. The guy looked like an average student. He could've been Adam's twin dressed in Abercrombie, but it wasn't the sight of him that sent my alarms buzzing. I felt him. He was a vampire. In fact, the girl who had stopped before him and the first guy had been vampires too. I just hadn't really noticed or cared. I cared now and I sat up straighter in my chair to scan the lawn. Six out of ten students were vampires. Those were not good odds. A normal statistic should've been one out of ten.

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