Chapter 9 The Turning Point

Start from the beginning

"I have tons of these wooden bullets so nothing funky." He said as I started to help Damon with the bullets. Logan's head tilted to the side as he saw me. "What are you doing here, Miss Gilbert?" I tried to get up but Damon wrapped his arm around me to keep me from running away.

"You don't want to do this." I heard another gunshot and another bullet went into Damon's arm. He groaned out.

"That is what you get." Logan taunted.

"For what?" I started to help Damon pull out the bullets.

"You did this to me."

"No, I didn't. I killed you. I didn't turn you." Damon pulled out the bullets that were in his legs.

"I know what you and your brother are. I have been watching you. I knew you would come here, and I am glad you did because I have questions." Logan then looked at me. "But at the time I didn't know you would bring her. So I guess more fun for me." I inhaled deeply and threw the bullets in my hands on the ground.

"Who turned you?" Damon asked. His breathing getting heavy.

"I don't know. The last thing I remember is I am about to stake your brother. Then you grab me. The next thing I know I wake up in a hole on highway 9." Logan explains as he circles around us.

Damon is still pulling out bullets from his legs because I hear him say ow every few minutes. "Yeah, that will happen."

"You bit me. It must have been you." Logan leans down next to me.

"You have to have vampire blood in your system when you die. Someone must have given it to you." Damon leaned towards Logan and he backs away from me.


"That is what I want to know." Damon leaned over on me and I kept him up a bit.

"It's not like I rented the handbook about this. It has been a learn as you go process. You know one minute, I am a small town newsman, and the next, I can't get into my house because my foot won't go through the door."

"You have to be invited in," I said.

"I know. I live alone. I was going to ask Jenna to move in with me, but now I can't." He explained as he waved the gun around.  "All I have been thinking about is blood and killing. I can't stop killing. And I like it. I'm conflicted." 

"Welcome to the club." Then he thought of something. "Wait, cops only found one body."

"I was tired. But I have been hiding the rest. They are just back there." He pointed and we looked to see a pile of about 10 bodies in the back. Oh, my god. I placed my hand on Damon's shoulder and rubbed it.

 "How are you doing?" Damon asked me after a bit.

I sighed, "I will be better when we get out of here." I leaned my head on his right shoulder.

"Why am I so emotional?" Logan asked from where he was sitting next to the cage of bodies. "All I am thinking about is Jenna. I want to be with her and bite her and stuff." I tensed up as he mentioned Jenna. 

"You might love her," Damon answered.

"What about walking in the sun? I am a morning person." Logan said as he looked at Damon. I glanced down at Damon's ring. "It's not in the journals."

"Journals?" I asked as I lifted my head.

"The journals that have been passed down through the founding families." He brushed that off. "Come on, tell me. How do you walk in the sun?"

"Who turned you?"

"How do you walk in the sun?"

"Who turned you?"

I saw Logan getting upset. "I have been really nice up until now. Now tell me how do you walk in the sun." He got up off the ground pointing the gun and Damon.

"You will never know if you kill me." Damon stood up off the ground. "You're not answering my question."

"You first." They sound like little children who want the same toy. "I have things to do, people to kill. But it seems I am going to need a head start." Logan then shot Damon again. Damon fell to the floor next to me moaning in pain. I sat next to him trying to help him with the bullets. After we got the bullets out, Damon took me to his house and up to his room so he could change his shirt. My flannel top had blood all over it so I just took it off. He was on the phone with Stefan for a moment.

"Well, I will be right there." I got up to follow him but then he turned around and stopped me. "No, you are not coming with."

"I think it is a little late for that. I was there when you were shot." I said and I pointed to his chest.

"Yes, I know that was a dumb move but are not going with me."

"Fine then I will walk myself. But I am going, Damon." I stepped around him.

"No, please Dawn. Just go home and I will call you and let you know what happens."

"Damon. This is not up for debate." I grabbed my bag and left the room.

"Actually, it is." Then all I see is black.

I woke up in my bed with Jenna knocking on my door. I got up and went to open it. I was rubbing my head as I looked at her. "Hey, I didn't see you at the career thing. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just have a headache," I said to her as I leaned on the door frame.

"Well, Tyler was looking for you all night. You might want to call him."

"Okay, thanks, Jenna." I closed my door and looked around my room. Damon Salvatore, you ass. 

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