24. I'm Sorry.

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They say your first real heartbreak is always the worst, but nothing could compare to the pain I'm feeling right now. I trusted him, I love him, why would he do that to me? Am I not good enough for him? I knew it. I just really thought he was different from the others.

"Brooke?" I turn my head to see Isabella standing in my doorway, and I couldn't help but bust into tears, Isabella take off her check and places it on my desk and walks over to me. "Hey, Don't cry, it'll be ok." Isabella coos and wraps her arms around me. "I don't know what I did to deserve this. I thought he was different.." I continue to sob into her chest.

"Stop crying. I'm sleeping over, we'll rent a movie, stock up on Ben and Jerry's and call it a night. But there's absolutely no crying." Isabella scolds making me force a laugh. "o-ok, we can do that, but I kinda wanna go back to the party." I wipe my face, I kind of felt bad that all those people were there for me and I ran out. I'm gonna go back and have a good time. "Are you sure? Because we can stay in and-" I cut Isabella off.

"Bella, I'm sure. who cares if he's there." Technically I hadn't broken up with Justin, we were still considered together, and I don't think I could bring myself to do it. "Alright let's go." Isabella smiles at me and grabs my hand. I brush myself off before heading to the car with Isabella. "you know Brooke, did you consider he didn't kiss her? Maybe she is lying." Isabella suggest and I close my eyes, not wanting to bring on more tears.

"It doesn't matter, she kissed him and he didn't let go. Let's not talk about this now..." I sigh and turn to look out the window, I hear Isabella take a deep breathe before pulling out the driveway. I don't want to believe that Justin cheated on me, but I can't undo what I saw. He kissed her back, I don't understand why? I gave him all of me, literally. Was that not enough.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I realize we're back at the party. I take a deep breathe before walking back into the party. "Hey Brooke are you ok? After I saw you run off and Justin leave-" Lindsey says and I stop her. "You mean Justin left? He's not here?" Hoping her answer was also yes, because I don't think I could handle seeing him now, but also hoping no because I wanted to see him. "yeah he left shortly after you did, he seemed kind of mad, may I ask what happened?" Lindsey says.

"He kissed another girl.." I take a deep breathe, every time I admit that to myself it's like a knife was sinking deeper and deeper into my chest, like the air was being sucked out of me. "That bastard when I get my hands on him. I'm gonna kill him." Lindsey scowls, making me smile a little. "Are you sure Justin would do something like that." Zac steps up raising his eyebrow. "I mean I saw I with my own eyes." I sigh and he nods his head.

"Doesn't seem like he'd do that, you know he really cares about you, the way he talks about you, it's like you're the most important thing in the world, I've known Justin since we were five, we grew up in Canada together, I've never seen him this happy, nor so in love, especially after last time, so if you really think he screw you over like that, then ask yourself this, do you really trust him? Do you really love him?" I wanted to protest and scream at him that of course I trust him! Of course I love him, but I can't help but think that he's right.

"Don't go blaming this on her! He shouldn't have kissed another girl." Isabella rolls her eyes and Zac shrugs. "Oh Brooklyn's back." Ryan says and I nod my head. "Where's Justin?" I raise an eyebrow and Ryan shrugs. "After I had a talk with him, he got mad and disappeared, he won't pick up his phone." Ryan shrugs and I sigh. This wasn't supposed to happen. I was supposed to be happy.

"What did you say to him?" I ask him once again. "After he told me what happened, he started screaming, she doesn't trust me, she won't believe me, she doesn't love me. She believes that slut over me, she said it was too good to be true, what does that mean!? That she doesn't believe in us." The fact that Justin had said that, was like someone had grabbed my heart and crushed it into a million pieces. I love him with all my heart. "I tried to tell him it'd be fine, but he just wouldn't listen, so last I saw was that he got into his car mad." Ryan sighs.

"so do you know where he is now?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "Angry Justin is a very hard to understand Justin, he could be anywhere, but all I know is Justin doesn't handle his anger well, and he is very unpredictable and that's not a good thing." Ryan once again gets out his phone to call Justin again. "Hello?....this is his bestfriend... He's what?....Yes... Yes... Ok I'll let them know." I was kind of anxious to hear who was on that phone, it kind of scared me.

"That was a doctor. Justin's car apparently spiraled out of control and hit a tree, pretty hard and Justin was hurt pretty badly. Apparently he made it to call 911 but when they reached out he was barely conscious, he passed out on the way to the hospital." Ryan tells us and I had to grab Isabella before I passed out. "I'm gonna go grab Justin's family, meet us there..." Ryan says and Isabella nods. "Come on Brooke, I'm sure he's ok, let's go." She grabs my hand and I sigh and nod. "Zac and I'll be there as soon as we can." Lindsey gives me a hug and I nod and head with Isabella towards the car.

"Brooke, he's fine. Justin's one hella of a guy. He'll make it." Isabella tries to reassure me but I shake my head. "He's there because of me! If I would have believed him, if I would have let him speak, he wouldn't have gotten upset and drove when he had an unclear mind! He would still be here with me!"I couldn't help but feel it was my fault. If Justin was here with me, none of this wouldn't have happened. "Brooklyn Marie Santiago, don't you dare blame yourself for Justin's stupid actions." Isabella scolds and I take a deep breathe.

"None of this is your fault. Don't you dare think for a second that it is, because it isn't. We're going to go into this hospital and Justin's gonna be alright. He'll make it through." This is one of the reasons Isabella is my bestfriend, I couldn't live without her. "Bella, thank you. I love you." I hug my bestfriend, who smiles at me. "No matter what, I'm always here for you Brooke, don't ever forget it." She grabs my hand and we walk into the hospital.

"Hi I'm here looking for a Justin Bieber?" I politely ask the nurse who goes into her records. "alright the doctor will be with you shortly." I nod my head and wait. "Hello, I'm Dr. Smith and I will be checking on Justin Bieber." The doctor comes around and shakes my hand. "Brooklyn Santiago, can you tell me how he's doing?" I anxiously asks. "Are you immediate family? If not than I'm afraid I can't." The doctor gives me a faint smile.

"But I can tell you this, before Mr.Bieber went unconscious, he kept saying. Tell her I'm sorry. tell Brooklyn I'm sorry, and I'm guessing you're the Brooklyn he was talking about?" The doctor says and I nod my head. It made my heart jump a little to know that Justin could be in there dying, but he still thought of me. He still had me on his mind. Those might have been his dying words.

"My baby! Where is he? Is he ok?" Pattie rushes in towards me. "I'm guessing you're his mother?" Th doctor asks and she nods. "Mr.Bieber is in a very critical condition, his heart stopped for a minute but thankfully we got it back running again, he lost a lot of blood, and fractured his ribs and Brook his right arm and his left leg, currently he's unconscious, and in his state we're not sure he'll wake up." Hearing that made me want to just take a knife and stab my heart out. Justin didn't deserve this..

"Com one Brooklyn let's go sit down, you're looking a little pale." Isabella takes me and I go and sit down, I can't believe that Justin's in there fighting for his life. It could have all been avoided if I had just believed him, that If I trusted him, we wouldn't be here. I should be the one saying I'm sorry.

I'm sorry Justin.


Awwwww no :(((

Poor Brooklyn, if only she would have trusted him..

Be on the look out for my new story, called 'Crossed' and yes Justin is famous in this one. I'm excited to release it. No Crossed will no have a sequel, it's only one book. But yeah hopefully it'll be out sometime this week 😎

Also my birthdays on Friday! Yayyyyy! I'm so excited!

You guys probably don't care lol.

But comment and vote. Pleaseeee

Much Love

-Avia 💋

Twitter: justinsprxblem

Instagram : justinsharmony

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