彡 chapter ten

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    CALLIOPE THOMPSON HAD never felt so alone. She sat in her bedroom playing with the cover of her mattress for what felt like the tenth time that week. She didn't realise how much she was missing out on until she had met the losers. During the times where she wasn't fighting a killer clown, of course, she was having the most fun she had had since her brother died.

She hadn't spoken to any of the losers in three weeks. Stan invited her to his Bar Mitzvah, since the two were still on relatively good terms. It was in a few hours, but Callie wasn't sure whether or not she should go. She wanted to go to support Stan, but Richie would most likely be there. She didn't feel bad for what she had said to him, but he was stubborn, so he probably hated her even more and the ginger wasn't sure if she could emotionally handle that.

With a huff, Calliope stood to rummage through her closet to see what she could wear if she decided to go. All the seemed to have was shorts, jeans, t-shirts, and a dress she had gotten for her elementary school dance. It, of course, would no longer fit.

The ginger groaned, flopping back onto her bed. She closed her eyes for a second, only for the flashes of her dead father and brother to invade her mind. She jumped as her bedroom door swung open, revealing her mother who looked as though she would pass out at any second.

    "I need you out of the house." Her mother slurred, "I'm having a co-worker over, and he doesn't like kids."

Calliope's mouth hung open. This was the first time her mother had seen a guy since her father died. "Uh, right n-"

"Yes! Right now." Her mother yelled, causing Callie to flinch.

"Y-yes, mom." The teenager swallowed, "Uh- how long with he be over for?"

"I don't know- why so many questions? Just be out as long as you can." Her mother said in a harsh tone, "God knows if you stick around, you'll ruin this like you have every other thing in my life."

Tears of sadness, but mostly anger, burned at the corners of Calliope's eyes. "Yes, mother."

Oh, how Calliope instantly regretted speaking to her mother with such a tone.

Her mother stared at her, "Don't take that tone with me, whore. You know what you've done. You make no one happy. You're a burden. It should've been you under that car all those years ago."

Calliope clenched her jaw as her mother left, slamming the bedroom door behind her.

Cal needed a distracted. Slipping on her shoes, she grabbed her skateboard and headed out the door. On the way, she spotted her mother's purse. Hearing that her mom was in the shower, she opened it, taking out a fifty dollar bill. 'Fuck it' she thought.

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