Mind Wipe part 1

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This chapter is darker. And it will continue to get darker, as this is nothing like my young Luffy on Whitebeard crew fics. Enjoy~

Taking the kid was easier than anyone could have imagined. Katakuri hadn't even been planning this far ahead before the kid was already in the Mirror World. Garp the Fist wasn't happy when he heard about the boy, Luffy, already being gone even if he ran back to the room the kid was staying in.

But, that didn't matter much as Katakuri had left with his siblings and subordinates while the marine vessel sunk into the calm East Blue. No one would be coming after the kid anymore. At least not that he knew of.

When Katakuri and the rest of his siblings entered the Mirror World, they saw Luffy interacting with a mirror that had a frog in it, completely trusting of all of the strangers who had just taken him from the ship he'd been living on. But really, the kid had to be younger than four, so everyone expected it would be easy to distract him and convince him they were the good guys.

They had it even easier with the likes of Pudding. She was still in the New World, far from them, but could come to visit through the Mirror World. She was planned to arrive soon, after notifying Mama that they got the boy. Luffy looked like he was well taken care of, clean and with the right amount of chubbiness for his young age. The Charlottes would be taking good care of him, too. Raising him as their own to become possibly the strongest member of the family.

It would have been so much harder to deal with him if he had been older, or raised in a way that taught him strangers were dangerous. Compared to the children in the Charlotte family, and those who had been children long ago, Luffy was noisy and boisterous. After his brainwashing, they wondered if he would still be so cheery.

But, they would keep him as happy as possible. Nurturing and pruning this child to perfection was important. A new task, a long term one as well. With many still after him, including marines now that they sunk Vice Admiral Garp and Momonga to the bottom of the East Blue, he would need to be kept close to the family for now. He needed to learn that he could trust no one but the family, as all of them did.

Luffy looked up at Katakuri with a gaping mouth. Oven was on their ship, not in the Mirror World. Amande watched from a distance, looking at the boy in skepticism. Katakuri was by far the largest person he had ever seen, and it showed on his face. Katakuri did his best not to give off bad vibes to the kid, not knowing how he would react to someone who looked like Katakuri. But, he wasn't afraid of Brulee's odd appearance. He'd need to get used to that.

"You are very big, even more than grampa," Luffy said conversationally. Katakuri crouched down in front of him and reached out a hand.

"My name is Katakuri. Grampa has left you in our care. There were some bad people on the ship, and we need to keep you safe," Katakuri explained patiently, though in the cold voice he used for everyone.

"Oh! Then you're a good guy," Luffy observed. A few of the Charlottes, minor and supportive ones, chuckled behind Luffy's back. No, they were not good guys. And Luffy wouldn't be either.

Luffy was easy to entertain while waiting for Pudding to arrive. Katakuri kept his attention focused on him and his mochi sculpting, which Luffy tried to do, very interested to meet another devil fruit user. He clearly didn't have good control over any of his fruits, but he was very new to it. At least he could function properly and wasn't crippled by the variety of powers he now had.

As of now, they planned to carefully teach him how to use the most useful abilities. Not all were needed. No one needed to turn into hundreds of tiny balls. But, big ones would be the most useful. Including the Whitebeard Pirates' fruits, Donquixote Pirates' and more.

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