Chapter 3) Luck vs. Chance

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Darnell gazed at the face of one of the stone statues that looked similar to an orc on its two muscly legs with a handsome snarl of perfectly lined teeth. He could have sworn that the pupils moved, which Darnell had to blink twice to get the creepy image out of his head.

They rounded an immaculate fountain with running water that sprouted from the middle with a reflective rainbow. The front door of the mansion met them on the other side. The huge wooden door was also plastered with gold door handles and decorations. The wood itself must've been made out of an ancient tree with a rare grayish bark. 

Before he could even get of his seat, the wooded door busted open. It was Aunt Lupille with open arms in the air and audible amazement in her face.

"Darnell sweetie, it has been a while! You have gotten taller and your face is smoother!" she gushed.

Darnell smiled at his Aunt. she looked the same as always. She was pretty with long blue hair in a wild bun. Her style was the same; hoola-hoop earrings and a dress that fully revealed cleavage and shoulders. The sleeves were just a tiny straps around her upper arm. She seemed to never wear any bra. But now, things with her could never be the same. Why did she keep this magical life of hers hidden until now?

"You haven't changed, and can we get out of here. I'm kind of freaked out," said Darnell, peeking up at the mammoth statues of a werewolves.

"I know its a lot to take in, but I promise your life will be way better by knowing the truth" she exclaimed clapping her hands.

"Well, the driver explained a lot," said Darnell sarcastically. Aunt Lupille giggled.

"You are such a streets dweeb." she said.

"Could you please take me inside?" said Darnell. The air was humid and the mosquitoes were gliding around wild.

"Sure, just follow me. And don't make any kind of eye contact with any of the people here," warned Aunt Lupille. Darnell looked at her in surprise while holding his stomach.

"Don't even bump into anyone on accident," she said. "This is a mage party, and the only one here without magic is you."

Darnell's eyeballs widened and fingers slipped in his pockets out of uncertainess and fear. He had never heard or gone in a place full of mages, only mages. The way Aunt Lupille told him how not to even look anybody in the eye was quite disturbing.

Going inside, everything looked quite normal. Everybody was drinking and having a good time in a living room full of game tables of cards and pool. Darnell didn't know what was the problem, he even started to believe there were no mages, but Aunt Lupille continued with her awareness.

"Remember, don't look anyone in the eye, I will speak for you."

Darnell sat down on a chair the end of an empty table next to the back wall. It seemed to be reserved for twenty other people, and Aunt Lupille was one of them.

On the other end of the table was the wall and there was a screen tucked on it. It was about the size of a sixty inch plasma TV. The table end was right in front of it, so it was obvious everyone was going to be looking at the TV when this event starts. A game that can possibly make me a millionaire.

"Hello there Lupille, why are you so early?" said a man from behind Darnell. He didn't turn around to see who it was.

"Hi, I'm too early? It starts in only two minutes!" said Lupille.

"Well, you know how we mages do things. We always get to a meeting on the dotted time," said the man.

Darnell still didn't dare look back at who might be speaking.

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