Getting to know the Engineer

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I woke up tired the next morning. I quickly got out of bed and changed into a white clean T-shirt, when I got to the mess hall I heard some eternal screaming. I rushed in to find the Mercs  looking at me when I burst in. I was confused but rubbed it off because I had no time to argue with them, I quickly went to the kitchen (without any of the mercs following) and made some chips and pancakes. While the men argued over whatever it was they didn't see me put the plate of food in front of them and by the time I finished my food they finally realized the plate of food on the table and started eating so they wouldn't waste anything. Engie sat next to me and started eating

"Mmmmm...amazing vork Y/N"
"Heavy agree with doctor"
"This is pretty delicious darling"

I couldn't help but smile back at all of them. I was glad I can cook, so I wouldn't have to wait for anyone to cook for me while I starve to death. As I finished my (F/D) (Favorite drink) engie asked "wanna spend some time with me in my workshop, darlin?" "Sure!" I replied excitedly. As soon as he finished  heavy offered to do the dishes so we let him do it. When engie and I got back to his workshop he let me explore the place for a bit then we started talking about how much he invents new things or fixes them. I learned a whole bunch about him in a day, he told me about his ways of working, he also showed me his blueprints. He tried to teach me how to read them but I still kinda struggled he let me hold his wrench, I realized how heavy it was, he said it was metal so it was a bit heavy. He let me see his guitar and taught me how to play a little. I still struggled because I was not an expert at music. We spent some more time talking about miss Pauling coming back in wich was only 3 weeks from now and if I would get to stay because they wanted me to.

We talked some more while he played his guitar, we sang and danced. It was really fun, we were really bored until he asked "tell me ahbout  you past darlin'" I didn't really want to tell him ethier but I had to scene I wanted to be a loyal person "so...umm..I lived with my mom...because my dad had left me after a car mom blamed me for his death......and she abused me ever since...." I felt tears forming at the corner of my eyes again while I think of the old memories of my old and amazing family "well then she was the worst parent to ever be so lucky to 'ave such a beautiful young girl with pride, kindness, and love in her" I stared to sob and hug his torso tight not wanting to let go, he patted my back and held me close like I was a fragile vase with beautiful flowers inside. We stayed like that for a while till my sobbing turned into sniffles. 'I am so lucky to have these men by my side' I thought as engie and I went out to the mess hall to grab lunch.

Despite the story I told him about my life, after lunch we had an amazing time together, we helped each other do things we didn't understand, he even watched me make him a poster on the computer in wich I guess was my room now. He told me how he would like it customized and how he wanted it to look. After I finished he asked me to print it out wich I was more than glad to, after we printed the poster it was dinner, so he decided to put the poster in his pocket while we were walking to the mess hall. During dinner engie showed the team my poster I made for him, the men we impressed and I was pretty sure that they wanted one of their own too. So after dinner I decided to help with the dishes and when I finished I was exhausted and engie noticed. He quickly picked me up and took me back to 'My' room and tucked me in bed but when he left I got up quickly but quietly as possible and went to the computer to start working on separate posters for each merc.

Engineer's pov
After I tucked Y/N into bed I left with a "Good night" and fled to my room. My room was right next to hers too, I thought I heard a noise but brushed it off and went to bed, as I closed my eyes I just knew that me and the team will make miss Pauling have Y/N stay with us.

881 WORDS! Sorry for not updating yesterday I got busy with class work that had to be finished so I didn't have time to write, but anyway hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I'll see ya in the next one!

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