Chapter 24 - The Aftermath (Again)

Start from the beginning

Adrien looked to Marinette, as if he was trying to ask her to go with him visit his father. She nodded, agreeing.

"Yes, I would. Thank you." he replied.


The room K-724 of the hospitalized wing of Hospital Hotel-Dieu was pretty much what you would expect that a baby of a Hospital room and a Hotel room would look like. Cream-color walls, a vase with flowers in a bedside table, a hospital bed with a stand for serum and a bio monitor, a TV and a sofa where to seat.

Gabriel was with his eyes closed in the bed. He looked funny without glasses, as if he was someone else. It was that moment they understood how similar he was with Hawk Moth.

He suddenly felt their presence and opened his eyes. His eyes were trying to say something... Sorry, perhaps? It was something sad and happy at the same time, an attempt to ask for forgiveness and a request for help. The eyes of a father, a mentor and a friend that once was an enemy.

"Hey, Gabriel." said Marinette "How are you feeling?"

Marinette sat in the sofa close to Gabriel and looked to the man that became his mentor and his friend. She had forgiven him so quickly... But that was Marinette, after all.

"Terrible for not being able to resist Eagle Moth." he said.

"Is that the name of the new butterfly miraculous wielder?" asked Adrien in the same neutral way his father would use all the time.

"It is." said Gabriel with a slight smile for seeing his son.

"Any idea who he is?" he asked.

Gabriel closed his eyes. He was trying to focus.

"I... I can't really remember..." he answered "The only thing that I remember is that it was she."

"And where is the peacock miraculous?" asked Marinette, wanting to go straight to it so she could put it back in the miraculous box.

"Taken as well... I... I can't be sure but I think... it was a boy and his name was 'Master Peacock'." said Gabriel.

"Are you sure that is everything?" asked Adrien.

"Adrien!" said Marinette, asking his attention to the fact of him being too harsh with his father.

"That's alright, Marinette." said Gabriel "Adrien has all the right to distrust me."

He breathed in and out before answering.

"I have the strong feeling that one of them was blond and that both has the same eye color." he replied "I'm not sure how this will help us fin..."

"Who talked about 'us'?" asked Adrien.

Marinette was making desperate signs to tell him to shut up, but it was useless.

"I though you could use my help." answered Gabriel.

"Thank you, father, but me and Marinette can take this without any problem." he said.

"You need to rest, Gabriel." tried to suavize Marinette "We all have, but you need it the most. I don't think it would be wise to take you with us."

Gabriel looked at Marinette. He obviously understood her attempt to keep the peace and sided with her.

"Of course. I thank you for your concern." he said.

The nurse appeared at the door. She brought a clipboard with what looked like Gabriel's patient form.

"The doctor asked if you could leave now. Mister Agreste needs to rest. You can come back later." she said.

"Would eight o'clock do?" asked Marinette.

"Only in the afternoon period." she replied.

Adrien checked his phone. He obviously wasn't aware it was three in the morning.


Adrien and Marinette were back in the Dupain-Cheng's bakery. Marinette's balcony was lighted by candles and two sleeping backs could be seen in the floor. Adrien and Marinette decided to nap in the balcony.

When Marinette woke up, Adrien was sitting in the fence with his legs for the outside. He was singing something.

"Little kitty on the roof, all alone without his lady..."

"Oh, don't worry, kitty, your lady has woken up already." she replied tenderly.

He looked back to see Marinette in her pijama stretching.

"Slept well?" he asked.

"Like a rock." she answered "I can't even believe I slept so well after all of this."

"You're lucky. I didn't sleep at all" he said.

"I'm sorry to hear that." she answered.

"Don't be. This is not the first time he pulls something like this..." he paused to think what should he say next "Of course he never pulled one this big before."

Marinette started caressing his leg.

"Will you be able to forgive him?"


Author's note: This is not the final chapter! Tomorrow I'll publish chapter 25 and Monday the Epilogue. After that, my friends... Well, I'll explain later what will happen on Monday. Stay safe :)

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