Chapter 6 - Vain and False

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Marinette was on the clouds.

As if it was possible, a great day became even greater. She texted Alya telling her the news about Luka and the internship, and both had a tiny moment of craziness. Everything was great.

"So, what about Adrien?" textes Alya.

Marinette didn't get the question. What does she mean with "what about Adrien"?

"I don't know what you mean." she replied.

Marinette looked at the phone, waiting to see the three dots, meaning Alya was texting. But they never came. In their place, a microphone Sumol saying that Alya was recording a voice message appeared.

After a couple seconds, the recording was available. Marinette heard it right away.

"Girl." the voice of Alya said "Don't even try to use that one on me. I invented that! You're not going to tell me that you got over him overnight, will you?"

The fact is that Marinette wanted to say that because that was the truth. Or, at least, half of it. Progressively, Marinette grew apart from Adrien as a love interest and more as friend. Was that a problem?

Marinette texted explaining the situation to Alya, of course omitting the fact that she visited him as Ladybug, and how the date with Luka was just to try out, won't be something too serious. Adrien was with Kagami now so she should move on. 

Oh poor Marinette, so much you say and so little you know, but soon you'll understand how every word you've just written is vain and false.


Gabriel was in his office, working in his computer. In the screen, sketches, meeting reports, charts and timetables. He was specially happy because his plan was working fine.

But out of nowhere, a feeling like an electric shock hit him. A negative emotion, really strong. And strangely familiar... But why?

A broken heart. The feeling of being wronged and misunderstood by everyone. Why... Why...

And then he understood. It was Adrien. Something happened during the way to the bakery, or while he was there. Could it have to do with the mission he assigned him to?

Gabriel imagined that it could have been because of that. He would never forgive himself if his own son was that hurt because of something he asked him to do. He had to do something... Maybe... Maybe he could use his anger to make him feel better. Akumatize him, maybe...

"No!" he thought. He could never do such thing. Akumatize his own son? And yet, the power of this emotions was so strong... Maybe not akumatize him, but what about a Sentimonster?

Nooroo felt his master's emotions, it was his power. He knew what he planned to do, and he had to stop him, whatever it took.

"Master, be rational!" he asked him "If you asked Mayura to make a Sentimonster for your son, he would run to home and, once he didn't see you or Natalie, he would understand that you are Hawk Moth and Mayura."

The raciocine was flimsy and had several holes, but Gabriel was open to any idea that could save his son of harm yet helping him get better. Even if he didn't show it most of the time, Adrien was his number one concern alongside with bringing Emilie, his wife, back.

"So what do you suggest?" questioned Gabriel with a challenging tone.

"Be nice to him, comfort him once he gets home." suggested Nooroo "Be like your father was to you."

His father. He had little to no memories of his father. He couldn't use him as an example of good fatherhood. So, he took the only example he could. Emilie.

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