Chapter 4: Bella

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 A/N: I know this is a late update... I have loads of exams this week :( I hate school. However, I hope you like this chapter. It’s a bit rushed because I didn’t have much time to write it but I did anyways.

BTW I LOVE SUPERNATURAL (not that you care...)


C  O M M E N T

 F A N

 T E  L L  O T H E R S

 E N J O Y 


 Chapter 4:

  -Bella’s POV-

 It was cold. I shivered, as if ice had replaced my spine. The eerie silence enveloped me as I stood gazing into nothingness. It was cold... A sudden gush of wind surged passed me. It got colder and darker.

  Where was I? It hadn’t felt like any place that I have seen. Was this a dream? No. It couldn’t be. It felt too real. What was this place? Was it even a place? I had no idea. Suddenly, an eerie feeling overwhelmed me as fear and anxiety engulfed me.

  Someone was coming.

  It was cold.

  “Bella...” A cold, bitter voice sneered. “Bella...”

  Who was that? I couldn’t tell. The voice sent shivers down my spine and my made skin crawl.


  I wanted to scream. Pain erupted all over my body.

  “Bella...” The voice pierced into my heart, sending painful jolts. My heart clenched in pain. I attempted to scream again; however no sound whatsoever came out of my mouth.

  “Bella...” This time the voice sniggered and indescribable ache penetrated my body.

  Unexpectedly, it all stopped. There was no pain left and it was deadly silent. I felt empty. It was like someone had physically ripped out my soul from my body. I could feel a thing; I was numb.


  I jolted away, sweat trickling down my face. Mt hands vigorously trembled as I attempted to control my ragged breathing. I glanced around the dark room. I sighed in relief as I realised that I was safe and in my dorm room. What just happened? I had never experienced anything like this before. In fact, I’ve never had a nightmare before.

  Was it a nightmare? It felt all too real. I could still faintly feel the tremendous pain that once lingered. I could feel the emptiness in my heart and the loneliness that consumed me.

  “Bella...” I could still hear the devious voice that left me completely traumatized.”Bella...”

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