Chapter 1: Paige

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Chapter 1

-Paige's POV-

Have you ever been in a position where you just wanted to scream your head off and shoot anyone who comes in site? That is exactly how I feel right now, sitting in the living room with my twin sister, getting yelled at by my mum, for NO REASON!

"I cannot believe you did that!" My mum yelled, making me flinch slightly. She never yelled, and when I mean never, I mean NEVER! However today, she was pissed.

"It wasn't my fault," I tried to explain, for the hundredth time today. But as always, she didn't listen.

"Yes it was, your head teacher called and told me himself." My mum yelled at me, her face livid.

"Well don't listen to him. He's crazy!"

"Paige!" My mum shouted, flustered by my behaviour. "You can't talk about your head teacher like that," she added, making me roll my eyes.

"But he is! He really is crazy, ask Bella," I said, turning to my frowning sister with hopeful eyes. She blinked, and then shrugged.

"Leave me out of this," she said and quickly turned away so she couldn't see the deadly glare I was shooting at her direction.

"Paige, you are in so much trouble!" My mum hollered again.

"But I didn't do anything!"

"Yes you did! Not only did you happen to punch one of your classmates, you also vandalised one of your teachers' car!"

I gave an innocent shrug. So maybe she did have a reason to yell at. But it wasn't my entire fault. It's not like I vandalised My Peterson's car on purpose. It just...Happened. And about punching one of my classmates, if knew Maria Clarke, you would want to rip her head off and flush it down the loo.

"Paige, are you listening to me?" My mum interrupted my thoughts. "I'm not done yet."

"Mum, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." I apologized, hoping she would finally settle down.

"This behaviour of yours cannot be ignored. You've been getting detentions constantly since the start of the year. Luckily your head teacher was kind enough to let this go. But I'm not! One more incident like this one and you'll be expelled."

I rolled my eyes. My mum had a habit of talking about things before they happened. I have only had 6 detentions so far. You may think it is a lot, but for me it really isn't. I had a knack for getting into trouble and was one of the most 'disobedient' girls in the school, according to all my teachers. But I simply think of it as living my life. After all, you only live one.

"Why are you only yelling at me?" I asked. "She was involved in a fight today as well," I said, pointing to my sister.

"Yes, but she didn't end up punching someone. And I've already talked to her about it." My mum retorted. I didn't know that.

"If I apologize and say I will never do it again, can I go?" I asked, getting bored of this already. "I have a party to go to."

"You are most definitely not going to a party!" My mum shouted. For someone who never shouts, she is really loud!

"Why?" I questioned. Now that was a stupid question. Of course she would never allow me to go to a party after all the trouble I caused.

"You just got suspended. Do you really think I'm going to let you go to a party?" Was that a trick question?

"Mum, please?" I pleaded.

"No!" She declared firmly. "This conversation is over!" She stated and walked out of the room.

Fading Into Darkness [ON HOLD]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora