Chapter 48.

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"So, let me get this straight." I say as Jonah gets up quickly and puts on his boxers while Hailey covers herself. "I leave for 20 fucking minutes and then my HUSBAND not my boyfriend. My HUSBAND is fucking some random girl who showed up to our house and-" I remember Beth downstairs and I walk down there. 

I started to cry but I wipe my face. "Liz! Listen! Hear me out!" Jonah says walking up to me and I shake my head crying more. "If you're unhappy why did you marry me?" I ask, avoiding eye contact with him. "I'm not unhappy! I just...-" "You wanted something different?" I interrupt. "No! No! I..." I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Get out." I say. 

"I can't get out. We have a daughter!" Jonah says as I scoff. "You knew that we have a child together and you cheated!! So do not complain and use her as an excuse for your choice!" I say pushing him away. "Fine! I'll leave!" he yells as he walks upstairs. "And whatever the hell that girl's name is, take her with you!" I yell. I look at Beth and she was about to cry with her bottom lip poked out and her puppy eyes. 

I make her a bottle and feed her. Jonah and Hailey walk downstairs and I look at them. Jonah sighs and walks up to me but I back up. 

"You broke your promise.." I say showing him the promise ring as he grabs my hands but I pull them away. "Don't touch me!" I yell as he looks down and kisses Bethany's forehead. "I'll see you later Bethy." he says and he looks at me. "I'm sorry, Liz-" "JONAH GET OUT!!!" I scream and he nods as they leave. I sigh and look at Beth. 

"What am I gonna do, Beth? I try so hard but I don't know what your daddy wants anymore. I thought he was happy. He broke his promise." I say looking at the rings on my finger. I walk upstairs with Bethany and I put her in her crib. I take the rings and put them in cases. I put the cases in the dresser and I sigh. I cry and I shake my head. 

*a few weeks later* 

I sit on the bed reading a book while Bethany lays next to me. I hear the front door open and I get up. I walk downstairs and it was Jonah. 

"Who said you could come back?" I ask before noticing he had a bottle in his hand and he was drunk. It scared me a little because I didn't want him to hit me or try something. "Who the fuck are you to tell me when I can come back to my house?" he asks back and I back up a little. 

"I just don't want you here." I mumble and he walks up to me. I look down and he tilts my head up. "Stop acting tough. Because you know if I smack the shit out of you, you'll be crying. I came to get some money." he says as I nod and he walks upstairs. I follow and he walks in the room. I walk in too and he kisses Beth's forehead. I just stood there nervously and I sit on the bed. 

Jonah wasn't an abusive boyfriend, he just wasn't in the right state of mind. He's a good guy but not like this. I avoid eye contact with him and I look down. I saw his shoes as he stood in front of me and I sigh. 

"Look at me." he says as I obey. "I know I cheated on you. And we're married. I was wrong and I don't know why I did it. But if you're gonna keep me out of the house then let me take Beth for a few days." he says. 

"No!" I say immediately. The thought of him taking Beth triggered me and I didn't know who he was around. "Don't get sassy. She's my daughter too, Elizabeth. I didn't say I was taking her until we cleared everything up. I just want her for a few days so she can have some time with the boys and me." Jonah says. 

"No! You're not taking her anywhere! You either get your shit together and apologize to me properly or you don't see her until you do!" I yell and he chuckles impatiently. "Stop being a pain in my ass! It's just a few days!" he yells back, waking Beth up and causing her to cry. I back up from Jonah and grab her. I shush her and look at him. He rolls his eyes and shrugs. 

"Fine. If you don't want your baby to know her father, that's on you. But if she doesn't know I'm her dad, I'm gonna divorce your stubborn ass." he threatens and I sigh. "Do you fucking understand?!" he yells as I jump and nod. He grabs his stuff and leaves. I sit there shaking a little and I lay Beth down. 

*a few months later Jonah came back and apologized for everything but he eventually started drinking again when Bethany was 8 months and after his mom died from cancer.* 

I sit on the bed playing with Beth and Jonah walks in the room. He smiles at us and he kisses my cheek. I smile and Beth bounces around. Jonah picks her up and stumbles a little. "Hey Bethy." he says and he puts her down. 

"Have you been drinking again?" I ask as he sighs. "A little." he says as I sigh. "Jonah, you have to stop this." I say as he nods. "I just miss my mom." he says starting to break down and I get up. He collapses on the floor and I rush over to him. "I know baby. I know." I say as he grabs my hand. 

"I love you so much Jonah. It'll be okay." I say as he nods and gets up. "I'll be right back." he says as I sigh. "Where are you going?" I ask a little concerned and he looks at me. "Don't worry. I love you." he says. "Wait please stay home." I say and he smiles. He kisses me and I kiss him back. "I promise I'll be back. I won't be long just 10 minutes." he says and he leaves. 

I sigh and put Beth in her crib. I turn off the light and lay down. I rub my eyes and fall asleep. 

*Jonah's POV* 

I drive to a store and buy a few bottles of beer. I sit in the car and open one. I drink it and I sigh. I continue drinking then I open the second bottle. I got drunk and I start the car. I start driving and I blink a few times. Everything got blurry and I groan a little. My foot stepped on the petal a little harder and I sped up. I shake my head. 

"No..Jonah...we gotta make it home before you pass out.." I say as my words slur and my eyes close slowly. I try my best to keep myself awake but I heard a car honking and they crash into my really hard. The car flipped over on the side and I black out. I see light and I walk towards it. I look around then I see Bethany and Lizzy and I walk up to them. 

*Lizzy's POV* 

I wake up to my phone ringing and I grab it. I answer it and put it up to my ear. 

"Hello?" I ask and my eyes widen. 

"What?" I ask and I get up. "Okay. I'm on my way." I say hanging up and calling Billie. She answers and I start to cry, putting my clothes on. "Hey, Liz." she says sleepily. "I know it's late but Jonah got into a car accident and I need you to come watch Beth." I sob and I hear her moving quickly. 

"Oh my god. Okay. I'm putting my shoes on now. I'll be there in 5." she says. "Thank you." I say and I hang up. I turn on the lights in the house and Billie gets here. I give her the instructions and she goes upstairs with Beth. I take my car and I call the Jack driving. "Yeah?" he asks sleepily. 

"Jonah got into a car accident. I'm on my way there now." I say wiping my tears. "Oh shit. Okay send me the location." he says and I hang up. I send it and I get there. There were police cars and I get out. I walk up to the caution tape and an officer looks at me. "Are you Mrs. Marais?" he asks as I nod. 

"What happened? Where's my husband?" I ask frantically and he sighs. "He was drunk driving." he says.

guys...the last chapter...i'm sorry

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