Sky: "Mama Shepherd did you need something?" she asks seeing her come over to her

Carolyn: "Are you on drugs?" she asks grabbing her face to look in her eyes

Sky: "I-what?"

Carolyn: "Drugs? Are you on any kind of drugs?"

Sky: "No?" she says more as a question

Carolyn: "Have you been drinking?"

Sky: "Occassionally. Why?"

Carolyn: "Just wanted to make sure you're not on the influence of something."

Sky: "Why would you think that?"

Carolyn: "You and Mark." she says as Sky's eyes widen and she looks around the space

Sky: "He told you?"

Carolyn: "Look I love Mark, but I love you too. Are you sure you want to do this? Be with him again?" she asks as Sky sighs out

Sky: "I don't know. I mean after everything that happened with Addison, I never saw us together again. And then he came here...and got a job. And I guess somewhere along the lines my feelings for him started to come back. And it's confusing me to no end."

Carolyn: "Does Derek know?" she asks as Sky gives her a look

Sky: "What do you think?"

Carolyn: "Yeah. I figured. I just want to make sure you don't get hurt again."

Sky: "Yeah" she sighs "If only there was a...crystal ball or something that could show people their futures. Life would be so much easier."

Carolyn: "I bet it would." she says as Sky's pager beeps

Sky: "I have to get to surgery...promise me you won't mention any of this to Derek."

Carolyn: "I promise. Now go. Save a life."

Sky: "Bye." she kisses her cheek before walking away

Sky: "It's like pudding in here."

Callie: "This is exactly why I don't do this procedure. I mean, you're living with broken legs for months. You're in excruciating pain. God, all for a few inches."

Mark: "Pain and agony for a little bit of pleasure. I get it." he smirks at Sky behind his mask

Callie: "If it's that bad, why don't you just stop sleep-" she starts to say but Sky lightly kicks her, making her quickly stop talking "doing what you're doing?" she looks between the pair and then at the other doctors in the room

Mark: "Because it doesn't feel bad when I'm...doing it. It's good. It's great" he looks over at Sky with a smirk as she shakes her head at him a little in amusement "And maybe if you weren't so scared of getting burned, you'd feel the same."

Callie: "You know, I used to walk tall around here. I used to walk tall. Then...came George. He took off at least an inch. Then Erica went and left me. That shaved off a few more. I got shorter. All that humiliation, it makes you shorter. So, yeah, I am scared of getting hurt because one more personal disaster right now would cut me off at the knees."

Carolyn: "Sky wants to be with you. But she's scared of getting hurt by you again."

Mark: "I'm scared to hurt her again" he sighs out "I didn't want to hurt her before and in the end I did."

Carolyn: "Can I give you some advice?"

Mark: "Mmh." he hums at her

Carolyn: "Do better. Whatever wrong things you did before, don't do them again. Talk it out with her. Go at her pace. Just do better" she says as he nods his head "Just know that if you hurt her again I'll be forced to kill you."

Mark: "Wouldn't expect anything else." he chuckles

Callie: "So we had to shave off about a quarter-inch of leg bone in order to save the legs." she says when Chuck wakes up from his surgery

Chuck: "You mean I'm shorter? I'm a quarter of an inch shorter?"

Gary: "It's a quarter-inch. It's not a big deal."

Chuck: "Yeah? I am under 5'3". I am 5'2 and 3/4s? Oh, no, but, hey, uh, maybe I could still just squeeze over that height requirement at the amusement park."

Gary: "Oh! Do you know why I never played varsity basketball?"

Chuck: "Cause you didn't make the team?" he guesses

Gary: "No, no, no. I-I didn't try out for the team because I didn't want to make you feel bad for being too short to play. Even now, if I have a bad day, I can't even talk to my own brother about it, because maybe you had a bad day, and you're short. I couldn't even get depressed about Lori leaving me because you don't have a girlfriend and you're short! And by the way, the reason you don't have a's not because you're short. It's because all you ever do is talk about being short! No one knows how short you are except for you, dude. No one cares."

Chuck: "I'm an ass, aren't I?"

Gary: "Yeah. And you're short." he says as they smile at each other

Callie: "You want to get a drink?"

Mark: "I would, but I have plans."

Callie: "Right." she says just as the elevator doors open and they see Sky waiting outside of them looking down at her phone

Mark: "Walk tall."

Callie: "What?"

Mark: "All you can do is be brave enough to get out there. You fought. You loved. You lost. Walk tall, Torres." he says to her before turning to Sky and grabbing her hand as they walk out the hospital together

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