"I have lied to the press before, I can do it again. Really, if it's what you want, I'll do it," Tony mumbled gently. He was looking down at Steve thoroughly, searching for any sign of acceptance. Steve just licked his lips, shaking his head. He moved one hand from his lower back to his own cheek, placing his own warm hand on top of Tony's. The billionaire turned his hand 180 degrees so they could lace their fingers together.

"A press conference is fine, but don't lie please. It would just create more chaos when we do come out eventually," Steve replied quietly. Tony pursed his lips as he thought about his words. "Besides, I have a feeling that this isn't a coincidence."

Tony sat up a little bit straighter, creating more distance between them. The second hand on Steve's cheek disappeared, resting on the soldier's hip instead. "What do you mean?" he asked warily. Steve forced a quick smile, clenching his jaw afterwards.

"Take in mind that I could be wrong and simply be paranoid, but just think about it. The timing to leak an intimate moment, to reveal our relationship could not have been worse. We kept our relationship hidden for a reason. We're both not ready for them to know because of our reputations. People think our relationship is a big deal. There will be people that disagree with our age difference, with the fact that I'm your bodyguard. Talk shows will reach out to us, reporters will follow us. The world will expect us to deal with this as soon as possible. This could change our priorities, divert us. We've worked so hard to catch up to her. We cannot afford to lose one more step."

Steve wasn't one to ramble. Usually, he was calm and collected and knew exactly how to handle a situation. Whenever he didn't speak, he was thinking strategically or tactically. That's why he tried to use minimal words and maximal security.

However, things had changed over the last few weeks. He was cautious, tense, and as he stated before; paranoid. He was mentally screwed and he was aware of this. He required time to handle his PTSD, night terrors and the recent negative thoughts that had started to roam through his mind.

Time he did not possess.

"You think Malitov is behind this," Tony declared. It wasn't a question, but a statement. Still, it was a sentence that required confirmation. Steve provided him with a simplistic, positive hum.

"I suspect that she is, yes," he answered his deduction vaguely. He wasn't a hundred percent certain about the accusation, but the chances were high. He noticed the uncertainty and worry that hid behind two brown eyes. The man was afraid, and he had every right to be. Steve moisturized his lips before letting out a small sigh. He squeezed the man's hand tightly as he prepared himself for a promise he feared he couldn't keep.

"We'll make it through this, Tony."

"Of course we will," the man replied nonchalantly. Steve didn't move, waiting for the man to elaborate. "I'm Tony fucking Stark. These sons of bitches underestimate my likeability."

"God, even I doubt your likeability sometimes," Steve provoked, a small mischievous smile playing on his lips. He noticed how the worry that danced in the man's eyes faded and made place for the same mischief. The man raised his eyebrows, part of that movement hidden by his fringe.

"Do you, now? Is there a way to convince you?" he asked. Steve grinned, shrugging while doing so.

"I don't know. You tell me."

He didn't realize that, by saying that, he had given Tony the space to pull a move that would leave him checkmate. He only noticed his mistake when the man leant closer, wiggling his lower half suggestively.

"Alright. So, what if I do-" he leant dangerously close to the man's lips, brushing their lips together teasingly. His provocative behavior seemed to work, because Steve swallowed thickly, parting his lips as he looked down at Tony's mouth for a little too long. "-this?"

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