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Hey y'all! I hope you guys have been doing well in quarantine. I, however, have been super busy, and had little inspiration to write. Either way, enjoy the chapter!


Run. She ran as fast as she could. Her scales constantly shifting color to blend in with the ground below her. Her breath was coming in ragged gasps. Since she hadn't ever experienced the outside world, she longed to slow down and enjoy her surroundings, but they were going to find her missing soon.

So she kept running, her talons hitting the cold ground and leaving just as quickly as they hit. Her little body was being pushed to its limits. But she refused to stop. The farther she ran, the safer she would be. As the ground beneath her began to shift from cold and hard to soft and slippery.

Sapphire looked around, the golden ground shifted beneath her rapidly. Loosing her balance, she began to slide down the hill she had been on. Tumbling downwards, she landed on her side at the bottom, heaving for breath. Her sides ached with exertion and her limbs felt limp.

Glancing around warily, she noticed that it was no longer cold, but was almost unbearingly hot. Unsure of where she was, Sapphire stood up carefully, hoping to continue her escape. Hopefully, her captors would lose her trail in the ever shifting ground beneath her.

Because of her malnurioshment, her body was slowly giving up the further she went. Every part of her ached. Cresting another hill, she tripped. Losing her balance as her legs gave out, Sapphire went rolling down. Stopping at the bottom, she gasped. Her neck dropped and she lay her head on the floor.

The heat and lack of proper water or food had finally gotten to her. Panting heavily, she relaxed into the ground below her. Her entire being gave up. Sapphire's breathing slowed as she fell into unconsiousness. Her only thought being that she finally escaped. Even if she died here, she had escaped her prison. She was finally free.


Hey y'all! So sorry this is soooooo late. I was so busy and had absoultely no inspiration to write whatsoever. I still am struggling with inspiration, so if any of you guys have any tips for getting out of writer's block that would be super helpful! Have a great week and stay safe!

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