tomorrow | t.h.

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Moving across the world while still in high school was hard, but Harper was ready for it. Saying goodbye to her friends was the hardest thing she'd ever done, so she promised to facetime them everyday. Loading her bags onto the plane is what finally broke her walls down, the tears freely running down her face. 

Once she was walking through the halls of her new school, Harper realised she knew no one, or how to make any friends. Luckily, on the first day a boy ran into her, instantly taking on the challenge of showing her the English ways.

"I'm Tom. What's your name?" He said, pulling her up from the ground, where he had accidentally knocked her over.

"Harper. It's nice to meet you," Harper said, then realised that this would be the perfect opportunity to make a new friend. "Hey, do you know where room 16 is?"

Tom's eyebrows scrunched together, as if trying to work out where she was from. "Sorry, what was that?"

Harper giggled at his misunderstanding, knowing what had happened. "Sorry, I've heard that kiwis talk really fast. Do you know where room 16 is?" She said, slowing down her speech to make it easier for him.

"That makes a lot more sense," Tom said, laughing slightly. "Yeah, I know where room 16 is, in fact I'm heading there right now. Follow me!"

In that moment, Harper decided that Tom's laugh was the best thing she had ever heard, and immediately wished she could hear it again. "Thanks. Wait weren't you in my last class as well? Do we have the same timetable?"

Tom pulled his timetable out of his pocket, unfolding it to show Harper. "What's yours?"

Harper mirrored his actions, pulling hers out as well, to hold the matching sheets next to each other. "Snap!"

Tom laughed again, the sweet sound filling Harper's ears. Putting them both away as the bell rang again for the next class. Suddenly, Tom realised that their class was on the opposite end of the school, so grabbed Harper's hand to pull her along behind him, both of them laughing as they ran.

Managing to sit next to Tom in every class, the day flew by for Harper. At the end, Tom and her exchanged numbers and promised to hang out at some point.

The end of the year came far too quickly for them, Tom announcing he was leaving as soon as his GCSE's were finished. Tears were shed as Harper said goodbye to her best friend, promising that they would still catch up no matter what.

Keeping to their promises, Tom and Harper stayed close right through high school and Tom's first few movies. They even got closer, finally taking the step from best friends to boyfriend and girlfriend somewhere along the line.

When Harper got offered her dream job at McLaren, the first person she told was Tom, who was as elated as she was at the prospect of her driving cars for a living. A new movie deal came in for him not long after, and Harper squealed with him when it did. 

"Hey, idiot! Hurry up! I wanna go home!" Harper called out the window at her boyfriend as he finished his last shoot for the day. He turned at her words, smiling at the sight of her leaning across the car to shout out the window at him.

"Just let me get changed first," he called back, before running over to give her a quick peck on the lips, both of them smiling as they pulled away.

"Well then hurry, okay?" Harper murmured, pushing him away, his laugh trailing back to find the wide smile on her face.

"Why don't you come talk to people? I'm going to be a while to get out of this costume." He pulled at his top as he spoke, walking backwards as to not break eye contact.

Harper sighed, realising he was right. Reluctantly, she shut off the engine and climbed out of the car, wandering around to talk to his cast mates.

"Harper, right?" Zendaya asked as she wandered over to the shiny car. "Nice car."

"Yeah. That's me," Harper replied. "And thanks, it's a work car." She stroked the hood slowly, still relishing in the fact that she had an amazing job doing what she loved.

"Where are you from? That's not a British accent, is it?"

"No. I moved to England when I was, what, fourteen? I'm from New Zealand, though," Harper answered, used to the questions by now. "You're American, right?"

"Yep," Zendaya replied, a smile on her face, "Oakland born, baby."

Harper grimaced slightly, looking away quickly. "I'm sorry, I'm not very good with American geography. Where is that?"

Zendaya laughed, happy to answer. "It's near San Francisco, in California."

Harper grinned. "I think I know where that is. Always wanted to go there. Is it as nice as everyone makes it out to be?"

"Somewhat," Zendaya laughed, "some things always get lost in translation, though, don't they?"

Harper noticed Tom walking up beside them, finally out of his costume. He was chatting to Jacob, a wide smile on his face as he laughed at something the other boy said. That just reminded Harper of why she fell in love with him in the first place. A smile appeared on her face, her eyes fixed on the boys walking towards them.

"He's a keeper, by the way. Don't let him go." Zendaya's voice broke Harper out of her trance, a blush immediately settling itself on her face. The taller girl laughed at her bright look before continuing. "It's been nice talking to you. See you around, Harper." With that, Zendaya clapped Harper on the shoulder, turning to wander off. As she passed Tom, they gave each other a quick smile, Tom coming to a stop next to his girlfriend.

"So, that was Zendaya," Harper said, beginning to walk around the car.

Tom laughed, "That was Zendaya. What did you think of her?"

"She's nice. I can't believe I've never met her before, by the way," Harper said, both of them climbing into the car. "How was the shoot, ipo?"

"Long," he replied, "but good. How was work?"

"Work was amazing, as usual. Are you working tomorrow?"

"I don't think so," he responded, a smile working its way across his face. "Why?"

"Because I am, so would you like to come with me?" She glanced at him before returning them to the road in front of her.

"Sure! That would be great!"

Harper's face broke out in a smile, ecstatic about the chance of her boyfriend seeing her drive for one of the first times. It was always the best days when she got to hang out on set for a day. And now it was her chance to return the feeling. Tomorrow was going to be the best day, for both of them.


Hey guys! Just a quick translation for you - ipo means "my love" or "beloved" in maori, which is the native language of New Zealand. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed :)

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