Patience (Bungou Stray Dogs)

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Before reading, know there are slight spoilers for Bungou Stray Dogs and this story contains the ship, Soukoku. I apologize if this story isn't to you're liking, but oh well, I write these when I'm stressed.

As he made sure to quickly lock the door behind him, the brunette switched the light on, not understanding why the other male had left them off. Dazai walked into the colorfully decorated room, looking at all of the large, childish furniture. More than childish. Babyish. A white crib sat at the opposite wall of the door, a red blanket and comforter laid out. The blanket had a small full moon design in one of the corners. Speaking of corners, Osamu looked over in the corner near the right end of the crib. Next to the private bathroom door, sat a red haired male, shaking and holding his hands on his face. He wore a light blue t-shirt and some light jeans. His cheeks were more red than his hair, and the tears that were threatening to fall didn't help the red in his eyes. Dazai stepped carefully on the carpeted floor, kneeling down next to the smaller male, doing all he could to not startle him. Chuuya refrained from looking up at his boyfriend, as he knew it'd send him straight into his littlespace. In a soft whisper, the darker haired male tried so hard not to just pull Nakahara into his arms immediately. "Hey buddy...?" Chuuya choked up at the term and suddenly seemed to start panicking. "Do you wanna try cuddles...." Osamu asked with a frown as he opened his arm for the struggling male.
Nakahara, truth be told, was a little. He used his little space as a coping mechanism for stress and all problems he has. Unfortunately, there's one problem he can't escape. When Chuuya slipped into headspace, he almost lost complete control of himself, and his ability. His corrupted form would show through and it terrified his little space so much he'd start panicking and his anxiety would only get worse in headspace. That's why it was best for him to slowly ease into headspace. That as well as telling his boyfriend, Dazai, about what happened. Dazai could easily control the boy's corrupted form, and now took the role as his daddy. No one else could nullify the poor baby's corruption except for him, therefore, he wouldn't allow anyone else to take care of him the way he did. He was the only one who would be patient enough to allow Chuuya to be shy, and take all the time he needed.
Chuuya looked up at his daddy and just broke down as he sat up on his knees and buried his face in his daddy's tummy. Dazai carefully and strategically leaned down to wrap his arms around the Little. The brunette began running his bandaged hand up and down the smaller male's back, very slowly. Suddenly Dazai saw, what would be, a puddle soaking into the carpet. "Oh hun~" Chuuya buried his face deeper as small cries started to escape his lips. "No no,'s okay." Osamu assured as he felt one of Chuuya's hands let go of him, only to watch him shove it between his legs as he finished up going. That was it. That was the last straw. Nakahara looked desperately up at Dazai as his eyes went wide and the tears started to flow faster. Only a few seconds after, Dazai watched as Chuuya's arms and cheeks were coated with dark red markings. Dazai, reacting as quickly as possible, activated his ability, shining a gentle blue. Chuuya tried to push himself away from Dazai as he started frantically sobbing, coughing and choking on pleas for Osamu to release him. He only held Nakahara closer. "DADDY! LET GO! I DON'T WANNA HURT YOU!" He screamed out, kicking his legs and pushing the brunette. Dazai didn't dare let go of his little Chuchu. Chuuya started yelling out in pain, his hands suddenly moving on their own. As he watched his hands push Dazai to the ground when Osamu finally let go, he finally saw that the markings had disappeared. The corruption was gone. The redhead was going to be okay. He then looked over at his daddy, in a sudden panicked state. The brunette sat up with no problem, quickly looking over at his little boy. Chuuya held his hands over his mouth as he was trying to process what had happened. He was having trouble seeing through all his tears, and after a few seconds of silence, Nakahara choked out a small, pitiful, rasp of a sob. Dazai acted quickly, standing up so fast his head spun for a moment. Without really thinking, he lifted the distressed Little into his arms. "I didn't mean to!!! I'm sorry daddy!!! Chuuya's sorry daddy!!! I'm sorry!!! I'm sorry sorry sorry!!!" The baby boy started gasping for breath as he cuddled up in his caregiver's arms. His heart wrenching sobs continued as he insisted on trying to apologize. Before he could continue with his frantic cries, Dazai raised his index and pointer finger up to Chuuya's lips. "There's no reason to apologize my lil Chuchu" he cooed softly yet worriedly. He bounced the still wet male in his hold, trying to slow his breathing to normal. The sobbing male went cross-eyed for a moment as he looked down at his daddy's hand. After a few moments of hesitation, Chuuya took Dazai's fingers into his mouth, gently sucking on them. After five or so minutes, the redhead had calmed down, and hardly acknowledged he still had Dazai's digits between his lips. He sniffled quietly as he apologized once again, whispering quietly "I'm sor-" he hiccuped "I'm sorry daddy" he hiccuped again, pulling Dazai's hand away from his mouth, now playing with his fingers. Being the very calm and patient papa the brown haired male was, none of this seemed to phase him. "It's alright my prince, daddy's okay. He's not hurt, he promises Chuchu." His headspace now had complete and total control of Chuuya. "Daddy's gonna get you dressed...okay little prince?" Nakahara didn't respond as his face only went a new shade of red. The baby was then carefully laid down on the changing table. There was a cushion-y fabric laid out on it that was decorated with little red stars, and had a matching pillow. Chuuya looked up shyly at his daddy and he cooed down at the regressed male. This made Chuuya turn his head as he blushed even more. Dazai only continued to coo and softly praise the red haired male. After a minute or two, he got Nakahara to start cooing and babbling back. "There's my happy Chuchu" the brunette cooed as he started removing the boys jeans and underwear. He threw them in the laundry basket right next to the changing table. Dazai looked up at Chuuya's face, making sure he wasn't looking down. "You remember not to look, right Chuchu?" The brunette handed him his stuffed bunny as he nodded. Nakahara covered his face with the grey bunny, hugging it close. "Bonnie!" He squealed as hugged it tight for a moment. As he did so, Dazai started slipping a diaper decorated with stars and the moon on the plastic where the tapes go, under his baby boy. He heard a surprised squeak from Chuuya as he did so. "I've got you little star~" he cooed as he pulled the diaper over Chuuya's front before taping it up. "You can look now baby boy." The plushie was moved away from Chuuya's face as he now looked innocently up at his daddy. The brunette took a step back to admire little Chuchu, who was now sat up on the changing table. "You're just the cutest thing daddy has ever seen! Yes you are!" Dazai cooed softly as he tickled Chuuya's side. The baby boy giggled adorably before raising his arms up to take off his shirt. "What do you wanna wear little one?" Chuuya thought for a moment as his shirt was pulled off. "U-ummm....can..." He whimpered shyly as he hid behind Bonnie. "What's the matter baby?" Dazai lifted the small boy up, kissing his forehead gently. "Can you tell daddy?" Osamu whispered, knowing Chuuya was getting anxious and shy. He walked over to the small wardrobe and opened it for Chuuya to look inside. "Do you wanna pick one?" Dazai started speaking slower and softer for him. Nakahara looked up at the little outfits and browsed over them. His eyes kept flickering back to the dark red footie pajamas with a little bunny on the right side of the chest. Dazai watched his baby's face carefully, and noticed his eyes quickly going back to one particular spot. The brunette followed his eyes, and grabbed the red pajamas, picking them up by the hanger. He didn't say a word, but watched as Chuuya's cheeks flushed a gentle red before he nodded. "Okay little one" he whispered. Dazai hoped he'd grabbed what Chuuya had actually wanted, and not just what he thought he wanted. It didn't matter what he would've grabbed his baby would've agreed anyway. He sat the nervous little boy down on the changing table, holding the outfit up and asking sweetly. "Are you sure this is the one you wanted?" Chuuya swallowed a lump in his throat. He was going to nod, but he thought his daddy was telling him it was a bad choice. "U-ummm" Nakahara started to panic. Did he want that one? He started tearing up. Did he even know what he wanted? The little boy reached up for daddy as he started to softly cry. "Oh Chuchu! Daddy's sorry!" The redhead squeezed his daddy tightly as he whispered out "I'm so-sorry" in a raspy voice. Before Dazai could respond, Chuuya opened his mouth again to whisper out a single word.
As Dazai heard the "safe word" slip from the Little's mouth, he squeezed him tighter. "Cherry" is the word Dazai told Chuuya to use if he didn't want to make any choices and wanted to act as small as possible. "Okay baby, okay...everything's okay, daddy's here" he stood him up on the floor to help him get dressed. He set the hanger aside, zipping the onsie up as quick as possible. "Dazai stood up now, slipping a finger into the neck of the PJs. It wasn't too tight. He now lifted the baby boy back up, peppering his face with kisses. "My little baby Chuchu~" he cooed.

Word count: 1772

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