Chapter five

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Aurora pulls me out of the cafe and tears start to slowly pour out of her eyes. I pull her into a soft embrace and we find a small bench down the street to sit at and talk about the incident in the cafe. 

"Who was that Rora?" I ask gently as I place my body next to hers on the bench. Instead of answering right away, she looks to me with melancholy spread over her features and she lets out another sob. 

"That was Lucius, he and I have....history," she pauses for a minute to compose herself and her thoughts then continues," I've never told anyone about this, mainly because no one would believe me that he would do such a thing but..." she pauses again and I begin to feel anger rising within me. Whatever he did to her, I know it's not about to be good. 

"We were at a party once when we were a thing, and he took things too far....he raped me."

Those three words started to slowly resonate in my soul, then the fire started. "He fucking what?" I said behind my gritted teeth. Before Aurora could say anything else I was marching back to the cafe to take care of the scumbag that did such a thing to her. I had already became heated during the first confrontation in the cafe and now I am out for blood. I feel my veins pop and my vision starts to go blurry in the corners of my eyes- I'm in fight mode and there's no stopping the pure rage that fires within me. 

"Elio! please don't make this a big deal, Lucius is not good news and he is dangerous, I don't want to see you get hurt or worse...." Aurora says swiftly and tries to catch up with me but I'm already about to set foot in the cafe by the time she reaches me. I swing the glass door open and I see Lucius flirting with a waitress in the corner of the cafe. I stride towards the table with complete anger and rage coursing through my body.  I walk up to him and he doesn't even notice my presence until he feels my fist fly into the right side of his face. He falls out of his chair then looks at me like a wild bull seeing a red scarf. 

"That's for messing with Aurora, fuck face." I yell in his face and then I turn to the obvious crowd around me and yell out, "This guy right here is a fucking rapist and everyone should know that." When I turn back to him I expect to see him still on the ground but instead he is right up in my face. 

"You are a fucking deadman, you hear me?" He says under his breath in my ear and walks out of the cafe before anyone has time to call the police or security. The waitress he was flirting with shakily gets up and goes back to the baristas corner, most likely trying to pretend that didn't just happen. The whole cafe was silent and I feel myself start to calm down, but when I look to the door I see Aurora crying silently before running out of the doors. My pride turned to guilt within a split second and I run after her. 

"Aurora- please wait up!" I say as I reach for her hand, but she stops me in my tracks by swiftly turning and jerking herself away from me. 

"Elio! Do you know what you just did? He and his whole family apart of the fucking mafia! That's why I never told anyone because whoever fucks with them goes missing." Aurora sobs more and my heart sinks to my stomach. 

"I'm sorry Aurora, my feelings got the best of me, I couldn't control myself- I didn't mean to hurt you-" I began to apologize but she stops me in my tracks.

 "I'm no the one that's hurt, but you will be if he decides it's worth coming after you, and maybe even your family," she says defeatedly and sits on the curb, holding her head in her hands before proceeding to sniffle more. "Anyone who tries to taint the Genovese name has a death wish, Elio." she sighs and I wrap my arm around her calmly.

"It's a good thing our families are rivals."



A/N so what do you guys think? Ive decided that a book isn't good without a major plot twist so here we go! vote and comment your opinions!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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