Chapter 2

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"Ahhhhh" squeals a very excited Ishabella as she opens the door, I try to block my ears as I might go deaf if she doesn't stop shouting soon I know it's been 3 years we saw each other.
Wow has it really been that long' I mused to myself as she leads me to the room where I spent most of my childhood before the disappearance. I miss them but I won't every admit it as admitting would mean I cared and I stopped a long time ago. 'Snap' 'snap' 'snap' am brought back to reality by my sisters constant snapping of her fingers and then she is back to explaining all the renovations she's had to do in my absence and I really couldn't care as part of the agreement we had when I left 3 years ago was I wanted nothing to do with our inheritance as long as I kept getting my monthly allowance from the trust that our grandparents left us I was good she could keep the house lands business and wealth left by them.
Awhile later I got to my old room which looks quite different as last I remember we shared this room and now it was occupied by a queen sized bed where our beds used to be with wall paper on the wall where our childhood paintings scoresheets and other coloring picture used to be pasted, the table wit all our toys and writing sets was now go from the corner and replaced by a door. Wait a door confused when did it get there in as much as I am curious to know what's in there I would rather not at this moment since I am extra tired but once I wake up that would be my first task. As I close my eyes and doze into the darkness that engulfs me I have unsettling feelings of both happiness and sadness but am optimistic that this trip will be great and maybe I can get answers to questions left unanswered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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