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It would be funny to say we were created in a lab 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but I guess that's the only way I see it as though ishmeala and I were birthed by our mum Bella before the incident years later I can't help but feel this way and with the numerous amount of journals I found a couple of weeks later where she detailed our existence and how we came to be I can't help but wonder if my theory is right. I have tried to make ishmeala read them but no luck, she is more focused on finding them and getting an explanation for their disappearance. I remember the incident like it was a couple days ago but unfortunately it's been 15years and not a letter, note, text, phone call nada just silence on their part. I had a long time ago gave up hope of them ever coming back but she still hasn't owing to the last words she claimed our mother said before leaving. Look up the stairs at the old manor when the sun is at the highest on your 23rd birthday and recite the lullaby I sang to you as toodlers then and only then you will find us. I still don't understand what all that meant because I don't get are they meant to appear or what. We aren't circus folk last I remember and magic isn't even supposed to exist or does it. But like I said I gave up hope awhile back but her obsession kills me because soon in a couple of weeks we will be 23 and she has literarily dragged me to the manor, outside of which I am at right now after so many years of being away.
WOW IT STILL FEELS LIKE HOME she said as soon as she opened the door and we stepped into the old house. It's all dusty and the furniture is covered with white sheets, I can still remember the good old days when I and ishmeala would walk home from school and the fresh smell of cookies would hit us from the door or when we would run after eachother down the stairs and mom would yell "ishmeal tell the girls to quiet down and quite running" and dad right on cue will come in holding our fav teddy and say "quite or the teddy gets it" and we will fringe fright and bulge our eyes and poker our lips and put on out cutest faces and moments later he would burst into laughter with us not to far behind. Or the evenings we spent strolling around the manor and  dad explaining the history of the manor and how it came to be or mum setting up picnics on cool summer days in the greenhouse. The tour of the house was like a kick in the gut as I remember all the fun we used to have in the manor like when we would fight about who got what on Christmas by the chimney even though the gifts already specified by having out name tags on which was who's and we still wanted what the other had it was funny now I look back coz we almost always got the exact gift. Or the stairs when Ishmaela had accidentally fallen over when we rushed to go see our presents on the morning we turned 5 and she had got a nasty cut on her head but it healed almost immediately, well not immediately as it bruised but the injury covered up only few hours after. As we head up the stairs and go past the study area I can't help but feel like going in but I remember the stern warnings dad gave of not going in whenever we tried to sneak in and see what was so special that he kept in there and that it was off limits to us and one day we would know till now I am not sure either one of us has gone in since then as we couldn't find the key after they disappeared and well I lost interest after we moved to the grands.

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