Small Hiatus

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Don't panic, I'm not quitting! If anything I wanna keep going and go through the book right now. So let me explain.
So as you all know, due to COVID-19, all schools are shut down, and we're not allowed outside unless absolutely necessary. So that means online learning for everyone and stay in PJs all day, yay! The problem is that I feel drained from all this? Like no one I know and care about have COVID-19 thank the gods, and it's an introvert's dream, not going outside, but it feels like I can't do anything? And recently I can't bring myself to draw a ton on my PC. Traditional drawing is fine but long periods digitally drawing is hard. And that's what I do for this book, I sit down for hours at a time and get like 2 pages done, 3 if lucky. So it's hard to do pages when you're used to doing multiple for hours. I tried drawing the first pages for chapter 3 slowly but I just didn't like it so I scratched the whole chapter, and it sucks I'm not stopping for a break a bit later in the book cause chapter 3 is like when everything gets set into motion for being closer to Zane.
I will be updating my other book, because I draw a single scene per chapter and that's a bit easier to do. Again, I'm not quitting, I just need to get into, you know, the whole being quarantined thing. But I will be uploading stuff on my Instagram and Twitter, which doesn't feel right to plug in right now but I guess I am. I will try to post stuff about my favorite parts of the book every two days or something I don't know. Anyways, have some (Y/N) and Zane stuff I drew last night.

I say I'm taking a break but then just watch me release a chapter next week and be like, 'Hah, fooled you, bet you didn't see that one coming!'I probably won't

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I say I'm taking a break but then just watch me release a chapter next week and be like, 'Hah, fooled you, bet you didn't see that one coming!'
I probably won't. Also I pulled an all-nighter with my sister playing Fireboy and Watergirl 4, and MY GOD LEVEL 32 IS SO HARD IT TOOK US 3 HOURS TO DO!

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