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1. To let your Masky get used to your home, let him cuddle with you. It comforts him.

2. He likes cheesecake. Give him that as a treat.

3. Don't let him be around Toby.

4. Please don't let him be around Toby.


6. He might crawl into your room while sleeping. Let him sleep next to you.

7. Don't let him have cheesecake for breakfast.

8. If he doesn't crawl into your bed at least once in the first few weeks, have Hoodie cuddle with him.

9. If he's sad, Don't give him cheesecake.

10. If he doesn't want to be around anybody, don't bother him.

11. Don't let him go on a solo mission

12. Still hunt with him once or twice a week

13. He likes being pet and cuddled with     -_- sometimes...

14. Don't let him stay up past 8:30 on weekdays

15. Don't let him stay up past 10:30 on weekends.

16. No alcohol

Now you know how to take care of your Masky

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