Boku no sai ai

442 21 20

Amane was feeling sleep deprived after all, yesterday was a bit too eventful for his liking. However, he still wanted to get out of the house-away from Mom, away from dad and especially away from Tsukasa.

The man from yesterday was gone already at least, and dad was back home. Amane did not want to be among them though, they both betrayed eachother-the same sin. Even though he knew their relationship had turned sour ages ago, he still didn't like it one bit.

He quietly leaves home.
The warm sun shone against his skin which actually felt good.
"Where should I go today?" He thought.

Two arms wrap around him from behind.

Amane grits his teeth and tenses up, turning around immediately to defend himself.

Yashiro:"It's just me Amane."


Amane:"Yashiro ? What are you doing here?"

Yashiro stares off to the side, fiddling with her hands.
"Well actually, I saw you from afar and...I wanted to see you."
Amane's face flushes pink.
Yashiro:"We are going out...right?"
Amane:"I-If you don't mind someone like me."
Yashiro:"Then it's decided." She smiles cutely.
Amane smiles for awhile and then pulls her hand.

He wanted to get her out of sight from his house.
Yashiro felt a bit happy that Amane was taking the lead.

Yashiro:"Wait, can we still hold hands?" She says as he was about to let go.

Amane:"Oh...uh sure."
They walk holding hands, gently swinging.
Their newly discovered love was shy and pure.
Yashiro looks up at Amane.
Amane:"Whats wrong Yashiro?"
Yashiro:"You look like you lost a bit of weight. Are you okay?" She sounded concerned.
Amane:"Ah that was what you were worried about? I'm fine-it must be your imagination."
Yashiro:"Oh. Well if anything ever bothers you, you can tell me." She says.

Amane:"I'll keep that in mind."
(But he didn't want her to worry herself over him)
Yashiro:"Amane, I made donuts-you know since I like baking, do you want one?"

Amane takes it even though he doesn't feel like eating anything and bites into it.
Yashiro:"H-how is it?"
Amane's eyes glisten.
"You know what? This is actually pretty good." He smiles.
"I think it's my favourite food now."
Yashiro giggles.

Towards evening time, they were laying on a grass field talking and laughing together.
Yashiro"My turn, my turn, would you rather have ..."
Amane greatly enjoyed watching Yashiro be happy-he smiles.
Yashiro:"Which one?"
Amane:"Oh uh the second option."
Yashiro:"Okay your turn."
Amane thinks for a bit.
"Would you rather we meet in our next life but your ankles are like ginormous! Or we don't meet again but you have like normal legs?"

Yashiro and him start to laugh again.
Yashiro:" Whats with that?"
Amane:"But I mean, you wouldn't miss me because you wouldn't be looking."
They calm down.
Yashiro:"But seriously..."
Yashiro:"If I meet you in my next life, I don't mind having ginormous ankles."
They both become red faced and lay silent.

A shooting star speeds across the sky.
"Amane! Did you see that? Cone on!"She pulls him up and they both run up a stairway to get a closer look.

They both stare in awe holding hands tightly.
"Look Yashiro! Over there there is a Leo in the sky... ah and over there too!" He points" Orion!"
Yashiro fixes her eyes on him astounded-he was excited, she never saw this side of him before.
Amane:"Oh, ha sorry."
Yashiro:"M-mm." she takes both of his hands and they look at eachother.
Yashiro:"I like seeing you like this; you're always number 1 in my heart so keep smiling." She says.
Amane's face tints with pink again.
"Can you call me Yuki instead?" She says nervously.
(In truth, Yashiro right of the bat called Amane, Amane because she wanted to get close to him.)

Amane:"Yuki." He kneels on one knee and kisses her hand softly.

Yashiro:"You're like a Prince." She chuckles.

Yashiro:"Do you promise that you'll always love me?" She says jokingly, curtsying.

Amane:"I promise."
How could he not? Who knew he could find someone he could be himself around.

Amane leans in closer even though he is bashful and so does Yashiro.
They share a shy kiss under the stars.

My love ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Even if it's not justified, I forgive it Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat