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Eddy walked through the conservatory doors and took in a deep breath, enjoying the moment to it's full capacity.

"Well, at least I have these few seconds of peace to breathe before I crash", Eddy said reluctantly, dreading his new life of waking up before noon and boring school work, even if it was all music related.

He let out another sigh and scratched his head thoughtfully, or nervously, as he really had know idea why might come next.

Eddy walked over to a nearby bench inside the grounds, and checked the time on his phone but soon got distracted absorbing his schedule and all the things he had to do.

Before he knew it, another figure was beside him and trying to get his attention multiple times by waving his hand in front of Eddy's face, with no result.

Huffed, he said to Eddy, "Earth to Eddy, this is Brett!", and made little static noises afterward for effect.

Eddy whipped his eyes from his phone, and was pleasantly surprised to see his best friend Brett sitting next to him with a goofy grin on his face.

"Yo, I'm so glad your here, I've literally been staring at this schedule and map all morning trying to figure it out and with no luck and I'm so lost, pleeeease help me", Eddy said with lightning speed, pouring out his helplessness to Brett. Eddy had put his phone down and was running his fingers through his hair and down his face, trying to relive his stress.

Brett laughed at his friend's quirrel and said "Don't worry, I got your back. I may only be a sophomore, but that doesn't mean that I can't help."

Eddy stopped touching his face and relaxed at Brett's words, letting out a sigh he hadn't realized he'd been holding in. "Thanks bro. I didn't even think I'd've made it this far without you."

Eddy smiled back at Brett, truly grateful for all the tips and advice he'd given him since enrolling, but he did feel quite overwhelmed at the moment, and needed a coffee.

Brett, feeling Eddy's anxiety, gave Eddy a supportive pat on the back, and said, "It's really no problem, just the least I could do. Now, we better get going, or else we'll be here till midnight talking."

Eddy nodded and picked up his things, bracing himself for the workload ahead. Would he make it through the year? Would he manage to keep his anxiety user control without anybody knowing? Only time would tell.

**Happy reading! I hope you've enjoyed these first two chapters, and I have a lot of ideas in mind for this, so it might be a long story. But anywho, don't let me spoil your fun! Enjoy!
(Also, you may have noticed that there hasn't been any bad language yet, and if your expecting some, sorry, but it's not gonna come. )**

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